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lost in my own thoughts
Sunday, 1 August 2004
well anyways lets seee... my feeelings for him are.. so effed up right now. now i have no idea what to do. a friend says that we shouldn't be together... another friend, if you like him still just tell him while you have the chance, and another friend says wait a while. i trust well two of them anyways. but i dunno if i should say it now or later. what if i'm too late. and wat if patience is the best thing? who knows? i sure don't. i don't know anything. i'm through a phase a friend says. maybe i am. i'm just infatuated. well maybe i am.. i'm so infatuated over you. i need you. i do... my heads been going hella crazy. i have no idea what to do anymore. everything is just all messed up right now. why am i like this. when i broke it off, it was suppose to be over. i don't feel like its over. i still care about him. i still LOVE him. what what shall i do. YOU KNOW WHAT... i've been listening to too much advice. this is was got me screwed up in the first place. i'm just gonna listen to my heart. and do what i feel like doing. its MY decision. if i mess it up, i do. but at least i have the satisfaction of messing it up.. that i messed up all on my own. and no one messed up my life for me. why does it just have to bee so difficult for me. why did i find his email long ago. maybe things would be so different now. its not like i regret being with him.. i enjoyed every moment of it. but i still wish i can still enjoy every moment with him. forever and ever. and my auntie says that there are other guys out there?! how will i know. maybe he's the guy. now i just have to prove to god, and myself that i can still have him. by doing this all on my own. its like a test. to prove if my love is there.. i will go after it. no regrets in the end. coz i did wat i did right? i will tell him. but i just gotta talk to him a bit more. then i will... yes. i will. no one can stop me from doing what i believe is right for me.

Posted by music6/v-n2rah_loosar0 at 11:48 PM EDT
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Friday, 30 July 2004

okay.. its been past a week since the incident... well right after that.. i felt so upset, and sad. i missed him. then a day or two after i hated him. i never ever wanted to see him again. and now again i feel as if i wanted him again. WHY?! huh?! this doesn't make sense. HOW I FEEL?! weirdness. i know i shouldn't feel like this. i should be happy that he is gone.. out of my life.. yet now i just want him to be a part of my life. i feel such emptiness. if things were just a lido different.. i'd be so happy. i wouldn't have done what i did.. but hey? i did it.. and i lost the one thing that just made my life complete. i know that i should talk to him. but i can't. i just can't. but i know i should. i want him to be a real good friend to me... but i dunno. I dunno what do really. So i'm so confused. Maybe i should of told him that i still cared. And wanted to work things out. But really, i feel as if he moved on now.. and he dun need me. As if he ever needed me.. dunno.

Posted by music6/v-n2rah_loosar0 at 2:31 AM EDT
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Thursday, 22 July 2004

ohkay right now, its just making me mad. i wanna try and make things work out right?! but how.. i try to make the conversation funny, try to act the same, but he just doesn't act the same.. i never meant to hurt him, and i still care about him, i did this because its wats best right.. and if we were truly meant for each other then we'll be back together.. but watever. he makes me so mad right now. i so want to be his friend, but i'm just this person that doesn't exist in his life... i'm nothing to him.. man... i want things to work out.. and everything.. but right now.. i just hate him.. it pisses me off so much... knowing that he doesn't care.. he's just watever.. so this is wat he wanted.. WELL ARE YOU HAPPY?! huh?! I GUESS YOU ARE.. well you know what.. i'm happy too.. i think i am.. all i think about is you.. and i miss youuu.. like so much right now.. well you know what i'll be over you.. damnit.. just how your acting is so effin gay.. your in my mind.. but you know what.. goodbye.. forever.. is this whats left from everything.. all that we had.. washed away.. not evena friend will blossom from this.. well that can i do huh? i can't force you to be my friend... BYE.

Posted by music6/v-n2rah_loosar0 at 10:25 PM EDT
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ohkay.. i've been trying to make things the same with us.. but its hard... ya know.. oh well what can i do? righT? ehh screw it.. it won't be the same i guess..? sigh***

Posted by music6/v-n2rah_loosar0 at 7:22 PM EDT
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hey?! new to this thing.. this tooook so long.. goshness.. well anyways hmm.. these arent words of wisdom.. i'm not even smart.. let along wise.. but i thought it sounded cool?! hahah yeahh.. i'm weird.. dun ya think? well i'm gonna rent movies today.. why would you care? well obviously you dont.. hahaha.. i dun really wanna but i gotz to get out of this house.. i can't think right now.. so much on my mind.. too much... everything is soo messed up.. yeah yeah. i'm just this messed kid that posts up my worries and problems thats just wanting for attention. HA.. sure you want to think that.. i dun care.. i just like typing.. it takes things off my mind.. watever... you dun know me.. so its all good, and if you do.. well w/e.. like you really matter to me?! hahah. GAYNESS.. well this is it.. later.

Posted by music6/v-n2rah_loosar0 at 10:53 AM EDT
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