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Hi Welcome to my site it's all about Usher! If you want to know more about me or sign up for a weekly newsletter about Usher e-mail me at If you want to sign up for a newsletter send me your name (or a name you want to be called) and your e-mail. Thanks for coming enjoy.

For the Visitor
Sign up for my newsletter and learn more about Usher! Send me Your name (or a name you want to be called) and your e-mail. Thanks for coming and enjoy!

About me
My name is Jessica. I'm an Usher fan and I love music. Usher is my fave solo artist and Nickelback is my fave band. I might be makeing a site about them too. If I do I'll let you know.
Thanks for coming!

I used the backround, the music, and the box thingy from I took the things that say that stuff out cause this way looked better but let it be known I'm giving total credit for that stuff to and the biography I got from