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The Beginning

Amber Mueller
Stephie Wilkerson
Katie Emke
Steph Lord
The Bands Blog
Message Board
Guest Book

First things first, if you haven't figured it out, The Beginning is our band that we are desperately trying to pull together by July 1st. Something else we are trying desperately to pull together is some cash so we can get our equipment together as well and begin official practices, not jam sessions. We are not yet a full band. Our members consist of Amber Mueller, our amazing lead singer, myself, Stephanie Wilkerson, as the lead guitarist, my talented friend Katie on secondary guitar, and Steph Lord, our groupie. Though do not doubt us. We are currently auditioning a backup singer, a bassist, and a drummer (if she ever gets her shit together in time). We also have a keyboardist in mind as well, though we arent too steady on that idea as of yet. We will keep you updated as often as possible on the progress we are making. -the people behind the music If you have any comments, questions, or insults, the band email address is Feel free to critisize, it will show us what we're doing wrong.

the people behind the music- (We are in the midst of auditioning a backup singer, bassist, drummer, and keyboardist)
