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Confessions of a Daydreaming Mind

...U Wanna Know Me??...

  • Nationality :: 1/2 Indonesian, 1/4 Dutch, & 1/4 Chinese

  • Sex :: Bi Female (That's if any of u out there are a hot sexy, young sure to email me!! *wink, wink*

  • Occupation :: Part-time Pimp/Full-time Nymph...JK!

  • Age :: 24 years old

  • Interests :: Graphic Design, my son, Aidan, TV (Sex And The City, Friends, Smallville, Laguna Beach, One Tree Hill, What I Like About You...yeah I watch a lot of TV. Hehehe.), painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor), listening to music, hanging out with friends, watching movies, ect.

  • ...My Pics/Journal...

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    My Favorite Drinks

    • Royal F@#k
    • Rasberry 151
    • Sex w/an alligator
    • Lemon Drop
    How to make a Tanja
    5 parts pride
    3 parts courage
    1 part joy
    Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little curiosity if desired!


    Personality cocktail

    My Favorite Web Sites

    Angelfire - Free Home Pages - (it kinda reminds me of six degrees of separation) you get connected to your friends, and your friends's friends, and thier friends's friends, and thier friends' friends' friends, hehehe...this could go on forever!! - online blog community
    HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

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