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a gallery

Okay then, my collection of videos in chronological order:

So the first video I made was a one-off anti-Lana video, Nasty Girl. I find it hard to believe that there are people out there who didn't hate Lana by now. She was the bane of my Smallville existance and, therefore, must die. Yay for Alicia!

Secondly (and thirdly, and fourthly), there is what I like to call my Chlex Garbage Trilogy. Three Chloe/Lex vids, Part 1 : #1 Crush, Part 2 : Milk and Part 3 : It's All Over but the Crying. Set to three different Garbage songs of the same name, they explore the jealous and obsessive nature of Lex Luthor when it comes to Chloe, his indifference about the roadkill he leaves along the way, and his inability to change. It started off as one music video where Lex was picking off the guys interested in Chloe, but I got a lot of nice feedback so I decided to make a sequel where Lex gets jealous over the Clark/Chloe friendship, but decided I had enough material to make two sequels and so the trilogy was born (hint: it ends in DOOOOOOOOMMMM - or does it?).

I have my Chloe/Lionel video, Make Me Bad. I loved their relationship and interractions in Season 3, their scenes were second only to Chloe/Lex in my mind, but I was disappointed by the lack of Chlionel videos anywhere so I took it into my own hands to make one myself. Although I must admit, there is the teensiest, tiniest bit of Chlex in it.

And of course there is ReOffender, set to a great Travis song, where Lex doesn't realise that Chloe might find out the hard way what he's been upto in the process of trying to get even with Clark. Unfortunately Blahna appears in it. It can't be helped. She is instrumental in Lex's "revenge" against Clark. WARNING: Images of Lex and the Pink Plague/the Squirrel/the Pink Princess snogging may SCAR YOU FOR LIFE. Watch at your own risk.

My most recent Chloe/Lex video is taken from Baz Luhrmann's film version of Romeo + Juliet, and I mixed footage from that and Smallville to give it a Chlex spin. You can find that here. I only wish I was into Clark/Lex as then the comparison would make more sense, but hey, Mr Sullivan doesn't like the Luthor's right? Because they fired him/put him on the blacklist, yeah? So the comparison kinda works.

And I branched out into Veronica Mars. My first is a Mac and Beaver video set to "You" by Radiohead. Obviously this was made before Beaver turned into a MASS MURDERING EVIL PSYCHO. And then I edited in some new clips after the finale *sniff*. They were my favourite "real" couple on the show: but there'll always be a small spot in my heart for Weevil/Veronica.

Another Smallville pairing I've recently found compelling is Chloe/Davis. I'm still bitter they lightswitched Davis to Evil Psychopath but I still made two new videos, You Look So Fine and The Killing Moon.

There's a small sample of lyrics from each song on the different pages to give you a taste of what to expect.

I hope you'll enjoy watching them as much as I enjoyed making them.

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Disclaimer: Smallville is the property of the WB Network and Miller/Gough Inc. I don't own anything! These videos are not made for any profit.