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Jeffrey Steele

Whiskey Island
(as part of Nashville's annual CRS event)
Mar 4, 2005

(Click on any picture to see enlargement)

Jeffrey and band performed at Whiskey Island on Broadway in Nashville as part of the annual Country Radio Seminar event. Oh man, what a high energy show this was. It was standing room only. I was fortunate enough to be able to find a chair to stand in, otherwise I wouldn't have any pictures of this event. The show began shortly after midnight and rocked hard until about 2:30am. This was the total opposite of the acoustic show I saw on Monday night. I hope you enjoy looking at the pics as much as I enjoyed taking them. (The color is a little off on some of them; I was so far away the flash wasn't reaching very well.)

Photos can also be viewed on Jeffreys official website on the "in concert" page.
Click here!

All photos are © by Songwriterville and the photographers and may not be reproduced or distributed without permission. If you would like to use any of our photos please contact us at Permissions@songwriterville.com
