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Welcome to Sandra's World!

About Sandra
Sandra's Musical World
cool piano pic

HI, welcome to the unveiling of my brand-new website! OK, well, it's not really unveiled yet, since it's still very much under construction, but here's part of it anyways! Here's where I will keep an updated tally of what is soon to be completed, what is completed, and main events in real life.

Quote of the Day:

I feel like I just gave birth to a book! (Katieopatra after finishing a 15-page paper)


Friends Pics are up!

Next Up:

Family Pictures, Links Page, The Quote Wall and Weekly Journal

Also Upcoming:

Personality Quiz: What Type of Chord are You? (for music geeks only!), Quizilla and Tickle Test Results, My Music Page with links to pages about piano, violin, practicing, and my favorite composers, and also recordings of previous performances (now that's a little scary, isn't it?)

What Else Is Happening?

Last Final December 13th!
Christmas Concert Count: 5 Down, 0 to go!