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No Way Out

Founded in late 2005, No Way Out hit Animas by storm! Starting out with 3 guitarists a drummer, and no vocals or bassist, there was obviously a problem. So guitarist Gabe Justice decided to drop guitar and become lead vocals. This left the problem of bass guitar. One option did not work out, so they turned to someone unexpected, Richard Gomez's little brother, Michael! The band was now complete. With several songs that were written individually under their belt, they had a running start. They just had to teach the rest of the band the songs, and get them perfected. With their first show coming up fast, they were trying to get things just right, in such a little amount of time! The show was better than they expected, even with the short period of time they had to write and practice songs. Even though the crowd wasn't as big as they had hoped it to be, they still rocked out as much as possible, and had the audience rockin with them. The word started to spread more due to an interview that appeared in their high school's magazine, "Double Take." People started to realize that these guys weren't just messing around! They were beginning to be taken seriously, and it was about time. Stay tuned for more....

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