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2005 (no shit)

September 8th
im annoyed cause my brother had diahreah and got these laxative freeze pops and i want one. :o


September 14

Hi loyal winman peoples! I would have updated earlier but was laffin my ass of at this thingy which you should see. Im really freakin sorry nathan but for you, it's hopeless...anyhoo, check back in a while chris im addin the van halen song right now! click on downloads link. Im also gonna add south park stuff...check back at 7:00

P.S. Chris here is some Queen karaoke you would like, its pretty funny!

August 27
im still doin da news but i dont see why....anyhoo screw the family guy site fox just made a really sweet one so im just linking to it is suweet it even has clips of the show! itz gonna be way better than the show American Dad which looks like it wont be cool so im gonn a add the link to it. The store is freakin sweet so you should see it and buy stuff from it. By the way, my store has stuff i own so i thought they were really funny and awesome and its stuff you can buy...The Olympics are on...THEY SUCK!...everyone likes um but the winter olympics, that is freakin sweet! because it has all of the good sports like snowboarding and skiing...skiing is hard to spell its also a dumb word. A very DUMB word. it is so dumb while i talk about them i (f grammar who needs it?) i use actual SENTENCES instead of the usual INCOHERENT RAMBLING you are reading...well actshilly i think that if your reading this you have noooooooo life whatsoever...this is getting boring...oh yeah don't buy clerks uncensored it SUCKS! no swearing at all...very boring but its cool cuz it led me to seeing Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back the funniest movie ever...i dont care if theres spelling errers but ive been doing this for a haff hour and im bored off my ass are you...IDIOT!!!!...yeah i did this just to say that heeheehee...

August 25
hi everybody well yeah...gotta update!...whatever

August 24
hi well yeah im makin the family guy site NOW! seriously im addin a backround and stuff so that'l be sweet...yeaaah heaahhahah...oh yeah im like goona make a online store well itz actzilly linkz 2 amazon+ebay but ill have stuff i like like family guy and south cant buy it but maybye you can...oh yeah i just saw a wikit funny movie called Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back-yeah thats right its rated R and little children should NOT see it...but sneek it cuz itz funnay as freakin hell...oh yeah i would format more but this is hard one comes...sorry me ramblin a bit but i like to...skools gonna start and that will suck...A LOT!...oh well bye...

August 23
well i took a freakin long time to update but im gonna update A LOT!!! adding a family guy site mmkaaaay oh yeah i added the bestest game ever...STICK RPG! it is so friggin addicting youll never ever wanna stop! check it out in da game section....mkay! future plans for a simpsons site but hafta do my friggin summer math in seven so frickin stupid oh god noooooooooo!
P.S. right click and do view source to see how hard ive been workin at this site...soooooooooo difficult.......

August 16th
Sorry I took so long to at the library added best game ever...COOK-AY SLOTS!

August 6th
added oddtodd link. LINK to me todd, LINK to me!

august 4th
okay i added the games and will get the music running too the games are cool added poke da penguin+slideshow

august 3rd
hi everybody well today i started this website and trust me it will get im addin links and stuff and if you wanna make a website like me, click here...person with too much time on their hands so they are actshilly lookin at my friggin horrible website so you can go to angel and slave your days away makin a friggin website also... if you still want to go ahead! click it! see if i care.........







days 'til Halloween...The Best Holiday Ever! you can get likey da candy

days 'til Christmas

go ahead email me

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