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Anthony Kiedis

Anthony's parents divorced while he was still young and when he was eleven, Anthony went to live with his father in L.A. There he attended Fairfax High school and met future Chili Peppers Flea, Jack and Hillel. He graduated from highschool in 1980 and spent less than one year at UCLA.
* Musical Influences: Iggy Pop, Defunkt, Sly Stone, Stevie Wonder, LED Zeppelin.
* Anthony is a vegetarian.
* Anthony met Flea when Flea had Tony Sherr in a one-armed headlock and was punching him in the face with the other hand. Flea didnīt even see Anthony coming until he was already upon him.
* "He looked like a lunatic" says Flea.
* In 1976 Anthony played Sylvester Stalloneīs son in the movie F.I.S.T.
* He once broke his back while jumping off rooves into other peoples pools. He missed.
* Ant often ditched school because he thought school could teach nothing he couldn't learn elsewhere.
* His first car didnīt have any brakes so he just didnīt stop for anything. Never actually hit anything.
*  In the year 1986 Anthony was getting in over his head in drugs.

* Anthony bought his drugs from gang members that gathered under a bridge in L.A.

* When Anthonyīs friend, Hillel, died in June 1988 of an accidental Heroin overdose he became numb because Hillelīs death could easily have been his own.
* Anthony went to Mexico to escape his thoughts. Lived in a small Mexican fishing village for a month. There he drank, fished and walked.

* He didnīt return until he was sure that his body was finally acclimatised to sobriety.

* In 1990, all of a sudden, Anthony became afraid. He was sitting behind the wheel of his car and out of nowhere he began singing "sometimes I feel like I donīt have a partner...".

* In 1992, Anthony joined forces with Beastie Boys and Janeīs Addiction for Trip on This, an anti-drugs video produced for use in California high schools.

* His father, Blackie Dammet (who runs the official RHCP fanclub - Rockinfreakapotamus) was born Jack Kiedis but changed his name for showbiz reasons. Anthony credits his father for introducing him to sex and "pot" when he was a youngster.
* He has two sisters - Julie and Jen and one brother, little James.

* He is a huge basketball fan and his team of choice is the LA Lakers. He even wrote a song called "Magic Johnson" (after the famous b-ball star) which features on the "Mothers Milk" album.

* In reaction to nudity Anthony said "In a land where there is so much violence and corruption and racism and hatred, why should we think nudity is such a revolting thing? Nudity seems like a welcome relief from all that bullshit."
* Anthony is rumoured to of romanced a string of 'beautiful' people including, Demi Moore, Heidi Klum, Sporty Spice, Sinead O'Connor, Jamie Rishner, Ione Skye, Courtney Love, Madonna(!), and a seemingly endless selection of 'super' models.....
* Anthony's autobiography losely titled 'Scar Tissue' is due for release in 2004....