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Hell is only the beginning
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Fall Out Boy-Calm Before the Storm
well folks, im bored. nothing much done today. i cleaned my room, talked to nicquie, showered, talked with spencer, ate, and in the middle of updating my journals right now. so yea. ummm.....yea. so bla. thursday, spence might come over. hopefully. and so for the next few days, ima gonna be cleaning. and shopping. and taking care of some things i have to take care of. and yea. so ill be doing boring shit, but it has to be done. if i dont clean, i get less money. if i dont shop, well, i can do without for a few days, but still. and i have to go take care of a few things. meh. im bored. and yea.

Posted by music6/necrolove at 2:03 AM PDT
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: You-Sarina Paris
well, i went to the mall yesterday to meet spence. we got there and looked around a bit and we ran into nicquie and gina. which was kinda bad for us cuz we wanted alone time. well, we got held hostage. so they dragged us around. while we were in spencers gifts, spence went to ae and got some pants. so afterwards, we were dragged to kb toys. and thats when we escaped. finally! so we ran to the escalators, speed walked outta the mall and then to the bus stop until we saw our bus pull in, so we ran the rest of the way. we made it in time and went to my house where we finally got our alone time! i just want alone time with him before he goes off to college. i dont like other people there. its annoying. so yea. and then we had to deal with my family and my neighbors. grrr....and then we went back so he could get picked up. while i was waiting for the bus back, some guy kept staring at me. then, he apparently follows the bus i took and then followed me home. and then confronted me and said i was beautiful and would i like to go with him for dinner and a movie? its like, dude, your in your forties or fifties, im fifteen, and i have a boyfriend. so i told him i had a boyfriend already. and ran off. my family was staring out the window the whole time. now, i dont think im gonna leave the house unless i have to. and im never going to wear a skirt in public again. unless its going to school or im with spencer. or something like that. and im never gonna go to arden fair ever again. well, not for a long time anyways.

spencer got me a card and the sarina paris cd. im so happy. but with him, when am i ever not? so far, ive gotten three cards from him and two cds. im being over spoiled. and what is up with you people trying to break us up? i have no idea what your fucking problem is. seriously. we didnt do anything to you. why do you do this? no matter how hard you try, you wont get us to separate. so stop. its pissing me off a lot. i hate it. ever since we got together, people have been trying to break us up and not giving us alone time. and it sucks. so far, we have yet to fight. not one disagreement. not one argument. and most couples, well, i dont know about them. but we have gotten stronger everytime we see each other. you cant stop us. even though hes going off to college and junk in the fall, it doesnt mean were gonna separate. were just gonna become stronger. and you will never break us apart. nobody will. give up while you still can. please.

Posted by music6/necrolove at 9:20 PM PDT
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: the nightmare before christmas
well im wide awake and i dont think ill be able to sleep much today cuz my love is coming over! im so happy. i cant wait. he and i shall once again be reunited! i cant wait to see him again. and he got something for me. he told me. sadly. i wanted it to be a surprise. a copy of the sarina paris cd that i cant find ANYWHERE and a card. i cant believe it. he amazes me in so many ways. i love him so much. i {v} you spencer!! {x}

Posted by music6/necrolove at 2:24 AM PDT
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Friday, July 22, 2005
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Get Busy Living or Get busy Dying
David is spending the night cuz she ran away from home. yea. mmm...nothing interesting here. mmmm..yea

Posted by music6/necrolove at 2:52 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 2:24 AM PDT
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Honorable Mention by Fall Out Boy

well the above picture is of the love of my life spencer. he spoils me just a bit much. we are deeply in love and so far, not a fight. not one. he got me a card and a cd so far. we have only seen each other three times this whole summer due to him working or not being able to come and see me. sad. but soon he'll have insurance and then he can see me more often afore he goes off to college. sigh* this year he'll be in college. and i'll be a junior in high school. mmm. thats kinda depressing. wow. well, love is everything. and age doesnt matter. mmm

well, i had an interesting couple a days. i dont feel much like telling everything that happened cuz that takes too long. so therefore, i am going to span it out over the days where i do nothing and have nothing else to say. late stories, but they are still good. yup.

Posted by music6/necrolove at 2:18 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 2:25 AM PDT
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Mood:  caffeinated
allo allo allo all! i am new to this, but not journal writing. i already have 5 xangas, this angelfire journal, a livejournal, and getting a greatestjournal. so yea i kinda like the idea of having a lot of journals. it makes me feel powerful and secure. and if i lose one, i have the rest of them so bwuahahahahaha. okay im weird. but im god so what do you expect? hahaha.

Posted by music6/necrolove at 12:58 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 2:25 AM PDT
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