Monty's Crew Support Staff

Behind every great band there is a great group of people who help them BRING THE RAWK to the masses.
We, on the other hand are too busy giving out jobs to our friends to be bothered with hiring qualified people.
Still, we could not unleash the fury night after night without the moderate efforts of these people, so we extend a hearty "Crab Leg Up Your Ass" out to:

Nickasinsaltlick: Tour Manager

Somebody has to book the hotels, deal with the Joe's Crab Shack people, arrange for groupies, and torture SBM, and Nickas stepped up for us. He must be extremely hard up for work.
Plus, we had to fire The Walking Dude for not showing up to work, and Carman quit, but Nickas quickly demonstrated the ability to handle details and stroke our bloated egos. We are sort of worried about satan's wrath and all, but we've got Crab Shacks to RAWK, and the show must go on!

Sabbath Bloody Maiden: U-Haul Fleet Manager

You have to pay your dues somewhere, because the biz isn't pretty and it's a long way to the top if you wanna RAWK the Shack.
We roll our U-Hauls stupid deep. And by stupid deep, I mean it takes exactly six of them to get the power and majesty of our stage show from one Crab Shack to the next across the country. The thankless job of maintaing this convoy of kazoo carriages is all Sabbath's.

Acillatem74: Roadie
Acillatem has been a roadie for several years, however most of those years are lost to him due to an unfortunate incident with a road case he forgot to secure (see before and after pics below).

Before joining the Crew of Monty's Crew, Acillatem was working for a Mariachi Trio - Los Gatos de Mole. His pay consisted of one shot of tequila and some bean burritos daily. Once we saw that he worked cheap, we realized he would be perfect for the "We Got Crabs" U.S. tour 2005.

m0ji - fan club president

Every band needs somebody who helps us bridge the gap from the stage to the audience. m0ji does just that for us.
We're not exactly sure how, yet, but he tells us that he's got the fan club locked down.
You want in? He'll get you in. Need a platinum package? A handshake from Hungwell? Just PM m0ji and he will make your dreams reality.

Flyinglipstick - Street Team Flying is responsible for pimping this band whenever and wherever. It might serve Flying well to add a link to this site to her sig and start posting all over the place to drive some traffic over here. Hint hint.

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