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about me
Sunday, 14 May 2006
MySpace profile:
woahhh, WICKED SORRY im not youre typical scenester girl with trendy clothes and trendy hair and trendy music and trendy pictures and a trendy boyfriend (obviously, im not sorry, in case you cant tell).
i wear Axe deoderant. Unlimited, in case youre wondering. i also like Touch and Clix.
my mum says im a catch. and i tend to agree with her.
i pwn lazy. and i like to eat. i cant stand when phone cords get all twisted up. im scared of clowns and many bugs, unless its a really tiny slow moving bug. i am repulsed by earthworms and cant stand walking after a rainshower. i like to smell my feet, i think most of the time they smell neat. i like sarcastic people but sometimes im too sarcastic for some. i need things spelled out for me, whether its how to make chicken rice or a guy is trying to say he likes me. i get lost very easily, even on the shortest of drives. dennys and ihop are always going to be yummy eats that i can never get enough of.
i cant stand being somewhere very quiet bc i have mild tinnitus, but i dont mind companionable silences between my friends and i. i have white eyebrow (and other!) hairs but i dont pluck them, i think they are cool. i always say weird things that i think are kinda funny or cool but nobody ever gets them so then i just feel dumb - like i like to make references from movies and see if people get them, but since i watch movies nobody else watches, im all by myself on that score. i love thunderstorms but have never gotten to make out with someone in the rain :sigh:. i only paint my toenails one color, decadence by creative nails, i think it ought to be called sex red. i make a squints face when i watch infomercials or i see something really really cool at walmart. which i love shopping at. i cant wait to have a dog, i want a silkie terrier, but i want to find a runt one, so it can sleep on my pillow at night and keep me company. i like to do house things like put furniture together and take things apart to fix them and then put them back together again.
i always feel really bad when i dont stop to pick up hitchhikers even though everyone says its a bad idea. my mum taught me everything i need to know to be a perfect housewife except cook. if i cant eat it out of the microwave or straight from the fridge or can, it looks like im not eating it. ill be back with more later...
dont send me a friend request without -attempting- to send me an email of some sort saying why youd like to add me, whether its something cool i said, an interest we have in common, or something else. (if i get a request, no email from you and your profile is blank, ill assume youre a slut or sleaze and only looking for ass, in which case youll never get mine! :p) "waddup mami, lookin goooood, holla back" and "hey sexi wuts up" dont count as email. if you dont email me but you have good stuff in your profile, i migh accept you bc i might think youre interesting as well. i will admit i tend to send out friend adds to people and sometimes dont email them right then, but i do try to get back to them soon

aim - TrunkFu11aAmps. and if youre going to im me, dont im me and ask what my fuckin link is, or if i have pics. remember me, cause im that good

if you took the time to actually read this whole section, and the rest of my page, and you didnt whine about how long it took you to read it or how hard it was to figure out the words that had more than 5 letters/3 consonants in them, youre probably someone id like to talk to. otherwise, youre all retards. cheers!

Posted by music6/miastar at 7:15 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 25 November 2007 10:52 PM EST
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