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HabboHotel Fans
Wednesday, 8 September 2004

The hobba staff page has a total new look no more of the * to show moderators they have their own section and hobbas section is set out more clearly.

Congratulations to the following habbos who have become silver hobbas, i wish you good luck and i hope to see good things from you.




Posted by music6/master at 4:26 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 September 2004 4:27 PM EDT
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New Website
Mood:  energetic
Topic: My Web
Ill be making a new website like in 5 months ive already started working on it. Its gonna be called

Posted by music6/master at 4:23 PM EDT
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Next school tip
Mood:  hungry
Topic: HabboHotel
The next school tip is now out! It says something about spelling and chatting but I'm not really sure what it says. Also, there's just 3 more days until the petal patches disappear from the catalogue section on hotel Canada! So buy em' now while you still can!

Posted by music6/master at 4:20 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 September 2004 4:21 PM EDT
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The Official Habbo Fan Sites List Is Now Out
Mood:  hungry
Topic: HabboHotel

The habbo Hotel UK fan sites list has been released, the top 5 Habbo fan sites are:





Posted by music6/master at 4:19 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 September 2004 4:18 PM EDT
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News Today
Mood:  chatty
Topic: HabboHotel
The news section has some friendly advice from Glitterkat, on personal details, this link on the Home Page takes you to her article in yesterdays Newsie.

Posted by music6/master at 4:15 PM EDT
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Meet the Nators (Home Team Two)
Mood:  happy
Topic: HabboHotel

The Hobba Home Team Two will be doing a Meet The Hobbas (dates below), make sure you read every word said as there will be a quiz after (with prizes) and there just might be a treasure hunt.

Posted by music6/master at 4:13 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 September 2004 4:14 PM EDT
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New German Hotel Manager
Mood:  happy
Topic: HabboHotel
The German Habbo Hotel has a new manager by the name of PTCruiser, so if you visit the German Habbo Hotel make sure you go up to PTCruiser when they are not busy and give them a nice warm welcome and pat on the back

Posted by music6/master at 4:12 PM EDT
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Habbo Atlas Reaches german Habbo Hotel
Mood:  happy
Topic: HabboHotel

The habbo Atlas has reached germany, as you may or may not know, the Habbo Atlas came out during the Habbo Festival, this Habbo Atlas has everything the one you saw but with details for the Hotels that were not around back then.

Its worth checking out, no dout it will be coming to the UK Habbo Hotel soon enough...

Posted by music6/master at 4:10 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 September 2004 4:29 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 September 2004
Pre-Registration Package
Mood:  down
Topic: HabboHotel
Around 8pm EST on, There was a staff announcement from Brojo saying that if you pre-registered an account, you should have your free HC and furni package. The package includes an area sofa, pura minibar, duck, large coffee table, and fruit tree

Posted by music6/master at 7:47 PM EDT
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Labour Day Throne's
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: HabboHotel
Today Habbo Hotel CA will be giving out 10 thrones, so log in at 1:15PM ET to be in a chance to win one.

Posted by music6/master at 7:37 PM EDT
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