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Everything and Anime - Drawing - Week Three

December Week Three


Wreathy A Grundo Christmas Frosty Snowman    Stamp Bear Chocolate Man Decorated Tree

(Psst - A little extra gift to the person who guesses who sang this song.)

If you want to participate in the drawing, you must be an active member in the guild, have been in the guild for at least a week, and have made at least ten posts. Participants must neomail leaping_baby saying they want to be in the drawing, and must have "Drawing" in the subject line. The drawing will be held on December 20th - in which I will put the names on a piece of paper and draw it out of a hat. The prize will be made available on the 21st at the Trading Post.

I realize that there is some speculation on what "active" is...but let me put it this way, if the person sees the drawing up (I mean, it's only going to be up for five or six days), then the person is active.

I expect all council members and active members to take part in this drawing - with the exception of hopejpink and gijoey.

If you really don't want to take part in it, you must have a really really good reason, because I would really like everyone to have a fair chance. ^_^

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