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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

shud i update?


Friday, May 20, 2005

We had Shakespeare Day todai. It wux alrite, we did some plays and went to three different workshops. It wux certainly fun-ner than normal lessons. Uncle Even (Kang-li-ba-ba) became a huge-titty chick. Haha, Funni ass.


Newayz, enuf of that. So¡KYr 10 exams are comin up! Reallie sad. I haven¡¦t reallie actually started revising yet. So wish me luck!

U noe what? I got Teen People for $54 at Page One and Gabz got it for only¡K$26? Yea, I fink so. I feel so cheated! Bloody magazines! Bloody imported magazines! I gotta check out the where gabx gets her magz!


Ok, why am I updating my xanguh. Everything I¡¦m saying's so stupid. It¡¦s actually a request from Flora. See?! I¡¦m doing such a big favor for u Fowah. I'm a so-nice-u-can't-believe-it friend. Dun u agree?


If anybody, anyone at all, cumz up wiv any idea of wut we cud do after the examz holla kay?


Oh yea, one more thing...RINA & BERDINA : Stop calling me animal names! It's getting on mah nerves...seriously gonna go insane if u keep doin it!


OK...datz it foh now



Luv ya, mwah


 (Jesse love*)


Junie xxx


Friday, April 15, 2005

1 Thing I’m

cravin’ for:




A Nice and glossy magazine to free me from boredom





Luv ya'll




junie xxx


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Latest Obsession:

Jesse McCartney


Heres some picz of da man himself


his eyes are so alluring


soo hot/ ouch!



Got bored and decided to fill in dis thing I got from maggie¡¦s FWD e-mail

1. Full name: June Lai

2. Nicknames: Junie,June June, BB June, June-B, Zune -_-|||

3. Eyes: Dark brown/black

4. Height: 165 cm (around)

5. Hair: Black (I want dark brown hair actually)

6. siblings: Big sis¡¦

7. Do u like to sing in the shower: Definitely, it¡¦s like an essential?

8. Do u like to sing on the toilet?: Yes, hobbie no. 2

9. Birthday: 16th June

10. Sign: Gemini

11. Address: Hong Kong, Sai Ying Pun

12. Sex: No thanks, no¡KI mean not yet. Hey, this is a hard question.

13. Righty or lefty?: Righty

14. What do you want in a relationship most? Love¡Kfun, honesty, trust¡Ketc.

15. What kind of car do you have/want?: I dunno, I¡¦m not that into cars, as long as its pretty.

16. Songs?: Jesse McCartney, Jojo (R&B, Pop)

17. TV Show?: Nip/ tuck, Punk¡¦d (I wanna watch Summerland and O.C)

18. Actor?: Keanu Reeves, Frankie Muniz, Jake Gyllenhal,

19. Actress?: Lindsay Lohan, Audrey Hepburn

20. Food?: Candy!

21. Cartoon: Family guy, Hack//

22. Disney Character?: Ariel

23. Colors?: Pink, Orange

24. Do you plan on having children?: Yup, luv em¡¦

25. Do you want to get married?: I dun mind, but I want time to play around first

26. How old do u want to be when you have your first child?: I dunno, but not old.

33. How old do u want to be when you're married?: Haven¡¦t got that planned yet, depends

34. Would you have kids before marriage? Maybe, maybe not

35. Do you have a b/f or g/f?: Nope

36. Do you have a crush? Yup

38. Music/TV?: MUSIC definitely¡Kluv it, can¡¦t live without it

39. Guys/Girls?: Guys¡Kpuhleez

40. Green/Blue?: Blue

41. Pink/Purple?: PINK!!!

42. Summer/Winter?:  Summer¡Khot and sizzling

43. Day/Night: Can I say both

44. Hangin Out/Chillin?: Chillin, ain¡¦t it the same?

46. Weird saying I have?: Constipation?

47. What school do you go to?: WIS

48. Have you ever taken drugs?: Nope, and I never will

49.Whats a major turn on for u?: Completely Bare shoulders (guys), opps did I just say dat out loud?

50. The person you know who is...

Most Blonde: Haha, ringah

Best Person: Ya¡¦ll

Nicest: Um¡Kflora, berti, hoz, fi, ad¡K

Funniest: Berti n¡¦ Ringah

Happiest: U mean gay? Bertina ho!

Strangest: Bert gurt

Most Caring: Flora¡Kwell, sumtimes

Tallest: Neha!

Smartest: Vivian ho

Best All Around Person: I guess, Neha

3 people are you the most open and can trust?: Bertina, Flora & Fiona

52.What do you think of soul mates?  I need sum

53. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: I think I doesn¡¦t matta¡Kdoes it? Well, I might jealous.

54. Type of gf/bf u want?: Good lookin, funny, caring, can turn me on. (No no no, what am I saying?)

55. What was the last thing u cried about?: When I got into a stupid argument with mah mom.

56. What's something about guys/girls you don't get?: Why can sum guys get so retarded when they¡¦re jux so hot?

57. Are you happy?: YYESS!!!

60. Love or lust?: Hehe, I dun wanna answer dis one.

61. Silver or gold? gOLD

62. Diamond or pearl?: diamond 

63. Sunset or sunrise?: sunsets are nicer.

64: Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?: No¡Kwhats dat?

65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Not reallie, but I have a few beside me when I slp, does that count?

66. Do you have any piercings/tattoos?: Yup, only one piercing on each ear/ I¡¦m normal

67. What color pants are you wearing now?: Black and white strips on the side.

68. What are you listening to right now?: Jesse McCartney¡¦s, Why is love so hard to find

69. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 0363

70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: That place wiv white house tops or Hawaii or Fiji or Japan.

72. What's your favourite sport(s)?: Swimming, badminton, netball, b-ball

73. What's the next cd/s you're going to get/buy?: Either Mika Nakashima¡¦s Music, or Lead new single and Jesse McCartney¡¦s album and Jojo¡¦s Album.

74. Do you wear contacts or glasses?: glasses, I wanna get contacts. I soft lenx or hard lenx better?

75. What's the best advice you ever received: To talk to him, but I can¡¦t

76. Have u ever won any special awards?: yea, kinda

77. What are your future goals?: Get rich, get a house for mah mom, get a good job (one I luv), retire, be in love forever.

78. Worst fear u have?: Losing mah mom, sis. I¡¦m reallie scared.

79. Do u like funny or scary movies better?: Um, I think funny (White chicks rule, who agrees wiv me?)

82. On the phone or in person?: In person

83. Hugs or Kisses?: Kisses, mwah

84. What song seems to remind you of yourself the most?: Not that kinda girl (Jojo)

85. If you die tomorrow who would u leave everything u own to?: Mah mom and sis

86. Do u have any enemies?: No, I dun fink so

87; What is the worst sickness you have had?:  Fever? I dunno

88. Would you rather be rich or famous?: Rich

89. What time is it in Albania now?: No idea

90. Ever been in love?: No, I dunno.

91. Who was your first kiss to?: Mah cousin? I noe, so sad and sick. Well, it was only kiddy stuff so it doesn¡¦t count.

92. Have u met Santa?: The fake one? Yes, he freaked me out when I was a kid. I cried.

93.If ET knocked on your door holding up a peace sign asking to use the phone what would you do: Ask him if he¡¦ve reallie seen Drew Barrymore in person

94. Do you have any pets?: No, I wanna have a dog

95: Are you an alcoholic?: No

96. Who sent this to you?: Magz

97. Favorite type of music?: R&B

98. Favorite chocolate bar?: Darz

99. If u could change something about your body what would it be?: Mah eyes? Nose? Arms, thighs¡K

100. Do u want your friends to write back?: I Dun mind, maybe yea.


ok, dats it for now

Luv ya'll (mwah)


Junie xxx

Friday, April 01, 2005

  Hi ya¡¦ll  


I can¡¦t believe u guys could actually find sumthin to do during this holiday. Okay, sum of us have been planning to either go to the beach or go to sum theme park next week. I¡¦m deciding if we should like hold dis slumber party or sth only for the girls.   But the trouble is, we dun noe where to go. Well, maybe we¡¦ll put that aside for the time being. So there¡¦s sum shoutoutz I wanna give to sum ppl which jux popped into my mind:


Berti : Heylo, had some crazy spazz wiv u when we¡¦re playing truth or dare wiv fi I think¡Klast week? And the msn username battle, that was sum quite stupid stuff, but good to waste time wiv. And also thnx for letting me cum over to ure place to watch movies¡K


Fi-fi babie : Hey biatch, haha I finally noe what the dim sums are¡Kand I found out myself. I M soo smart. Haha, jux kindin ure much smarter than me. Newayz, we gotta find sum time to hang out. Call me ya?


Ho-so : Yo, watz go into u gurl? U feelin okay? I mean u don¡¦t look so good to me lately. Jux call me if ya need to. There¡¦s no need to keep things from me, I won¡¦t laugh about it¡Kpromise. 

Mah sista : Yo big momma, u never update ure xanga! And I¡¦m getting reallie bored here waitin. Yo, dat FW: e-mail u sent to me of those look-alike celebs are sooo funni. Ha, I thought they were the celebs themselves at first. (well, not all of them though)


Flora : How's ure stomach woman? Feelin fine now? Sorri, nt much to say to ya cause u never get online and u dun call me¡KI¡¦ll find ya soon kay biatch? 


Ringah : Hey, you¡¦re always so busy woman. Didn¡¦t even see u yesterday. U dun care about zune now do u? I dun need to get humiliated by u anymore..Yay!!! Get the champagne someone.


Ok¡Ku can request for a shoutout next time I update if ure bored enough to.




Luv ya (muah)




 Junie xxx

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