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This weeks featured band...Flaw

The site is new bare with me.

This site was created August 20, 2004 to support bands that played in oklahoma and some who aren't cool enough to play in oklahoma also to support the locals. On this site you will find lyrics, pictures, upcoming shows, information and links.

Every week there will be a featured band.I wish I was cool enough to let the bands know that they are the featured band, but i'm not. If a band gets "featured" then there page on my site will be updated and have lots more info and they will be cover picture. Also if a band does not yet have a page then if someone nominates them to be "featured" they will get a page."

This weeks Featured band is Flaw . You can visit there page on my site you will find the link to the left. You can also visit the offical Flaw site (Offical Site of Flaw). Flaw has played in oklahoma about 4 times. I personally have seen them 3 times and they put on one of the best shows ever.

(c) All rights reserverd. All pictures were taken from offical sites off the world wide web.