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Big & Rich

A Suggestion:3/19/2005

I was thinking about making my school papers, projects, etc. available for reading and criticism (of COURSE I won't let people turn them in as their own work ;-]). Sparknotes, here I come! Just tell me what you think at

MAJOR UPDATE!9/14/2005

I think I have Cody beat this time. Go ahead and join his silly little "confederation of madmen." But then click my new news link and see for yourself why my page is so much better than Cody's. For those of you who aren't convinced. I have links to all of the Onion's Top Stories this week. For those of you who haven't read the Onion, read it NOW.

Finally another update!9/13/2005

Wow I don't know if it is possible to neglect this site more than I have been doing. Anyway, you NEED to see my newest obsession. It is absolutely amazing. See link to left. Alsoo, join/participate in my forum. Activity has been little or none lately. I have more I intend to do on this site but this is it for now

Update at Last!4/23/2005

I'm sure anyone bored enough to view this site would agree that I have been neglecting it really badly the last few months. Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and declare my blog dead, since it bored even me to death. Keith's website is down right now because he is working on a new one, which also means that my beautiful new forum is also down. More bad new is that the ads placed at the top of my page by Angelfire that I had previously done away with have come back and I'm working to get rid of tham again. It's not that I don't appreciate Angelfire giving me webspace, it's that they put their ads at the top of my page so it is the first thing a viewer sees when they bring up my site. Believe me, I'd be more than happy to put "Site hosted by Angelfire" at the bottom of my homepage, but this is rediculous. You can start your own site and cope with the ads yourself by clicking the Angelfire link on the left. For some good news, you no longer have to type in the ultra-long URL anymore, although it still works. Now you can simply put to get to my homepage. Also I have begun a online photo album which can be reached here. All the photos on their now are just to test it out, so don't expect anything too glorious at this point. Also, soon I will post several programs I created for the Ti-83 Plus or Ti-84 Plus calculators. All I ask is that you will email me befor downloading them, or before distributing them (i.e. giving them to friends). I would post things for calculators and PDAs that I didn't make, but then I'd have people mad at me, so I'm sorry. Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated and can be emailed to me (since the forum is down :-( ) at:

A New Design

Recently, I realized how booooring my website was and decided that it desperately needed a new design. So, after lots of work, here we are at the brand new, slightly less boring (hopefully, anyway) Justin's Website!!! My Blog can still be accessed here. Also, another new addition is my web forum, where yall can post/discuss anything you feel like. To get there click this link (or the one above). Have a nice day. I do need to explain a couple of the links to the left. The CECID link will take you to CECID, a very usefull utility that will alow you to get passed blocked websites at school. Also, the two schedule links take you to basically the same page where you must select the sport. For Baseball, select JV Baseball, for Winter Track Select the Varsity Boys Indore Track team.

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