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Welcome to my web page


me tuning the Harp at the local fete  

Here is a little about my likes and dislikes and also my achievements

I am a student at The Queen Elizabeth High school, 

I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful and  inspiring music teacher in my first years at Q.E. Thank you Ms Pennington!!! she encouraged me to play all instruments and eventually the harp which I love enormously. 

I am a member of the junior Cotswold Harp Ensemble also known as 'Harpz' 

Although i have only been playing the harp for a short period of time, already i have travelled loads and met so many nice  people.

  I attended  the Oakham harping holiday in July this year with my cousin (who went not being able to play a note and came home with a harp!!!) which was run by Margaret Knight. I am already ticking the days until the next one.  

Oakham harping holiday


I have attended Two masterclasses under the tuition of Keziah Thomas and Elleanor Turner. 

Keziah and Ellie  are members of the Barkham quartet. ( someday I hope to be as good as  they are)

Barkham quartet Ellie is in Red and Keziah is sitting behind the harp

I also play the Saxaphone and flute, and Electric Guitar. I have an Ibanez and an ESP guitar. 

 I also owned a Brian May Burns guitar this was my first ever guitar.

My guitar teacher Dave Evans of string doors is fantastic. Take a look at his web site