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John's lyrics
   Lyrics for my 2nd CD called:
"You Tell Me To Hush... When I look Over My Day"



   Below are the Lyrics to the first CD I made. Called "Looking over my day" Oh my, I cannot even listen to this one anymore, it's that bad! I feel sorry for the people I gave this one to. 


You Tell Me To Hush          Tuning: DADAAE, Capo 3rd Fret
Verse 1:
Tell me to hush, to quite my analytical mind, just to be still
Tell me to stop, trying to understand how I feel and just to rest in Your unconditional love

Bridge 1:
Your grace is greater then my sin
You accept me the way I am
You adopted me, and you care for me
You love me unconditionally
You know and abide in me

Chorus 1:
So sweep me away in You sweet arms of love, hold me close and comfort me
For I am hurting and I feel so alone, I need a friend and that friend is You

Verse 2:
Just like a father, doesn't despise his child, when we stumbles while he is trying to learn to walk
You don't despise me, you know my weakness Lord
Your committed to me, conforming to the image of Your Son
Bridge 1.

Chorus 2:
Open my eyes, make this more then head knowledge, before I sink into the depths of despear
I cannot feel You, so can I trust You Oh Lord, to sweep me away in you sweet arms of love

Bridge 2:
Yes I can, Yes I must, In You I hope, in you I trust, For I long, for You I wait
But how long will I be plaged with doubts feeling so far away,
How long will I be chained by, not feeling Your with in, How long?

Verse 1.
Forsaken? (Faithful)   Standard Tuning, Capo 3rd fret

My flesh is weak My heart is frail
I have no strength with in myself
I am hopeless with out you

You are my strength, my everything
Apart from you I can do nothing
My only hope is You

Chorus 1:
Sometimes it seems you give me the cold shoulder
A deaf ear to my cries for help
I feel alone in this cold dark world
Lord have you forsaken me?

But who am I to judge your timing
Your ways are bigger then my finite understanding
You have a plan for my life
You love me more then I know

Bridge 1:
So I will ask and keep on asking
I will Seek until I find
I will Knock and keep on knocking

Bridge 2:
For you are faithful
Your loving kindness endures forever
Yes you are faithful
You love me more then I know

Chorus 2:
For you bought me with a price
What makes me think you would leaves me
For me you were nailed to a cross
What makes me think you would forsake me now
I am your child
You love me more then I know
Psalm 143 (Lovingkindness)  Guitar tuning forgotten : (

Cause me to hear Lovingkindness in the morning, for in you I put my trust
Cause me to know the way I should walk for to you I life my soul   2x

Bridge 1:
Deliver me from myself O Lord
For in you I take shelter, teach me to do your well
Revive me O Lord for your name sake And in your mercy rescue me from my enemies 2x

Answer me speedily for Lord my spirit fails
Do not hide your face lest I go down to the pit

My soul it longs for you like a dry and thirty land in you faithfulness comfort me
And my spirit is overwhelmed suffocated by flesh, which crushes my life to the ground
Deliver me O Lord

Bridge 2:
Deliver me from myself
And rescue me from my enemies
Answer me speedily for Lord my spirit fails
Do not hide your face lest I go down to the pit

Liberty   Guitar Tuning forgotten : (

I sinned again
So I am numb
Silenced with in my heart
So hard to pray
I don’t know what to say
I am just trying to figure out
How I can keep this from happening again

I chose to let myself be free
But I did not walk in liberty
Thus I made myself all the more a slave to sin
O Lord I am so frightened of freedom
It seems to show me just how immature I am
I am like a made dog on a leash
Keep me chained and I do pretty good

But how can I ever learn to fly can I ever learn to fly
Unless I take the chains of my feet
O Lord I can I keep my outwardly clean with the law?
But I am like a whitewashed tomb full of dead men’s bones

You made a new law that is above the old
Just like arrow dynamics can soar above the law of gravity
Yet I’m still crawling on the ground
Though you have given me wings I am not using them
O Lord teach me to walk in the law of liberty
So every temptation is a key opportunity
Not only to chose not to sin
But to show you how much I love
By doing something I know that pleases you
That makes you happy

Yet When I Come   Standard tuning, Key of C and Am

Verse 1:
How can I be so numb, my heart so dead, my love so cold
Why don’t I seem to care, why do I not want to try, How I hate it when I’m this way

Chorus 1:
Cause I can’t stand when I feel far from You,
Lord I would rather die, then to live without You
Cause I love You, You know how I need You      
So how can I be so dumb, why do I run away from you, from you my love?

Verse 2:
When I sing you praises, with your people, I’m overcome with awe
It’s so easy to worship in with the congregation
So this is where my longs to be

Chorus 1
When I run, I feel so wrong, I feel so filthy, I feel so guilty
My soul it says I’ve gone to far this time, I can return I was just to bad

Chorus 2:
Yet when I come You wrap your arms around me,
You show me love you still accept me
For you are so kind, you shower down compassion,
you lift my soul, and fill my heart w/ joy
Your lovingkindness is better then life

End on Chorus 1:
Psalm 113  (The Humble King)

The Lord is high above the heavens
His glory is high above the earth

Who is like the Lord our God
Who reigns on high

And yet He humbles Himself
That He may behold the things on earth 2x

He raises the poor out of the dust
He raises the needy out of the ash heap
He set him with the prices
With the princes of His people

Bless the Lord O my soul, Bless the Lord

Pslam 139   Standard Tuning Capo 3rd

O LORD You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down, my rising up
You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
There’s not a word on my tongue,
But behold You know it altogether.

You have hedged me behind me and before me,
You have laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too Wonderful for me
It is to high, I cannot attain it.

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, your still there.
If I take the wings of the morning, or dwell in the deeps of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me, Your right hand shall hold me.

If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,”
The night shall be like day, Indeed, the darkness shall shine,

For You formed my inward parts, You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and I am Wonderfully made
Marvelous are Your works O Lord, that my soul knows very well.

My frame was not hidden When You made me in secret,
skillfully wrought me in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
In Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When there were none of them.

How Precious also are Your thoughts of me, How great is the sum of them!
There like the sand of the sea, when I awake, You still are with me.

O Lord Search me and know my Heart, Know my anxieties
See if there is any wicked way in me O God,
And lead me in the way Everlasting.

My Portion  Tuning forgotten

My soul remembers the anguish and sink with in me
But this I say to my mind, thus I have hope
For your mercies Lord
They are not consumed
Because you compassions they fail not

The Lord is my portion I say to my soul
Therefore I have hope, Hope in the Lord

It is good for the soul to wait upon the Lord
It is good for the soul to seek Him and hope in his mercy and grace
quietly waiting for the salvation of the Lord

Happy is he who waits on the Lord
Who has the Lord as his helper
Happy is he who trust in the Lord
Who made the heavens and the earth

The Lord He takes pleasure in those who fear Him
Who hope in His mercy and His compassion
The Lord He takes pleasure in his children
And beautifies the humble with His salvation

It is good to wait upon the Lord
It is good to seek Him and hope in his mercy and grace
quietly waiting for the salvation of the Lord

For he does not cast off for ever
Though He does cause grief
He will once again show compassion
He does not afflict willingly
His mercies are not consumed
His compassions they fail not
They are new every morning
Great is His faithfulness

The Lord is my portion I say to my soul
Therefore I have hope, Hope in the Lord

Your Name   Tuning forgotten : (

Don’t let me ever doubt again
Your tender love your affection care
Don’t let me ever doubt again
That You are good
That I am in Your hand

What I see is so deceiving
What I feel is so misleading
Don’t let me be drawn away by them again
For this I ask for this I plead Lord would you please teach me
To walk by faith and not by sight

When the doubts crush me
And I feel forsaken
You tell me to rely on You,
You tell me to trust in Your Name

Elohim, El-shaddai, Adonai what have I to fear?

Jehovah-Jireh Our provider
You grace is sufficient for me

Jehovah-Shammah Our presence
You will never leave me nor forsake me

Jehovah-M’kaddesh--The Lord our sanctifier
You will conform me to the image of you Son

Jehovah-Rophe--The Lord our healer
You will heal my sick old soul

Our victory
With you the battle is already won

Jehovah-Shalom Our peace
Which guards my heart protects my soul

Jehovah Rohi--The Lord our Shepherd
You will protect me from the evil on

Jehovah-Tsidkenu--The Lord our righteousness
Thus before you I can stand

You are the supreme and mighty God
Who scattered out the stars and gave the earth it’s frame
You’re the Lord God Almighty
Yet you call me Your friend
You say I am Your own

What I see is so deceiving
What I feel is so misleading
Don’t let me be drawn away by them again
For this I ask for this I plead Lord would you please teach me
To walk by faith and not by sight

Lord I Am Tired


Looking Over My Day

The Lyrics to the CD "Looking Over My Day"
My heart is frail ~ my flesh is weak ~ Apart from you I have no strength ~You are my only hope ~ You are my help ~ my everything ~ Apart from you I have no good thing ~ What hope do I have apart from you?
(chorus) Sometimes it seems you give me the cold shoulder ~ And a deaf ear to my prayers for help ~ I feel alone in this dark evil world ~ Lord have you forsaken me? ~ But who am I to judge your timing Lord ~ Your ways are bigger then my finite understanding ~ You have a plan for my life ~ You love me more then I know ~ (bridge) So I will ask and keep asking ~ Seek and keep seeking ~ and Knock and keep knocking ~ For you O lord are faithful ~ Your loving kindness last forever ~ Yes you are faithful ~ You love me more then I know ~ (ending) For you bought me with a price ~ What makes me think you would leaves me ~ For me you were nailed to a cross ~ What makes me think you would forsake me now ~ I am your child ~ You love me more then I know

If I could grasp eternity ~ maybe I could grasp the love you have for me ~ If I could grasp eternity ~ maybe I could grasp the kindness you have shown to me ~ (chorus) How could I run from this love ~ and hide from this kindness ~ When you want desperately for me to have intimacy with you ~ (verse2) if I could count the sand of the sea ~ maybe I could count the thoughts you have had of me ~ if I could count the sand of the sea ~ maybe I could count the tears you shed for me ~ (chorus) How could I run from this love ~ and hide from this kindness ~ When you want desperately for me to have intimacy with you ~ (ending) You humbled yourself and became a man ~ so I could know you more ~ you endured suffering even being nailed to a tree ~ so I could know you more ~ I want to know this love ~ I want to taste this kindness ~ I want to know you more ~ seek you tell I find you ~ give all I am to you ~ so I can know you more ~ You look at me and you can’t breath ~ your heart is filled with desire ~ Because you love me ~ You humbled you self ~ gave it all ~ You even spilled out your blood ~ because you love me ~ How could I run from the love ~ and hide from this kindness ~ when you love me ~ do I love you ~ yes I love you ~ I desire Intimacy

It’s so hard to pray ~ it all seems so unreal to me today ~ can’t focus on you for the life of me ~ O how I hate it when I’m this way ~ yet no matter how I feel you are still real ~ (chorus) Even though I do not feel that I’m not you ~ you still abide in me ~ even though I do not feel any love towards you ~ you still care for me ~ even though I feel I walked away from you ~ I’m still in your hand ~ even though this is how I feel ~ you still love me ~ (verse2) Lord I’m sorry for how I feel ~ it seems I’m spiritually fatigued ~ I guess these feelings will come and go ~ what you want is for me to hold on to you ~ (ending) for you love me ~ you grace is sufficient ~ your mercy covers me ~ O Lord I thank you for being so patient

O God you see you see right through me ~ my heart is before you ~ are the songs I sing pleasing ~ do I mean what I say ~ do I live what I sing ~ is it real ~ is it true ~ what joy does it bring to you ~ (Chorus)I want to bring you my best O God ~ not empty praises ~ but straight from the heart ~ (bridge) I want to bring my best to you ~ I want to bless your heart ~ bring you praise ~ bring you joy ~ bring you honor

I have tasted your presents ~ it was undescribable ~ I have felt your peace ~ it was unimaginable ~ for these things I long ~ for these things I desire ~ (bridge) but my flesh gets in the way ~ I don’t do what I need to ~ so I feel far away from ~ (chorus) O how I long for when my spirit flies ~ and I leave this flesh far behind ~ forever in your presents Lord ~ full of joy ~ singing your praises forever ~ but for now I must be satisfied with the hope of what’s to come ~ knowing that you are in me ~ and one day you will open up my eyes ~ for these things I long ~ (verse2) I have had that joy indescribable ~ there has been times when you seemed O so real ~ for these things I long ~ for these things I desire

So here is another day ~ will I squander it away ~ knowing that the night will come ~ and I’ll be crushed with the shame ~ Or will I pick up my cross ~ and deny myself today ~ following you Jesus taking on your yoke ~ and learning from you ~ (chorus) I love you Lord ~ and it’s a joy to honor you ~ your burden is light ~ I choose you ~ Be magnified ~ and have your way in me ~ be my song ~ be my desire ~ be my passion ~ my everything ~ (verse2) You are the bread of life ~ only you can satisfy ~ so I long to draw near ~ partake of you Lord ~ for you are all I need ~ in You I’m complete ~ in You I can do all things ~ You’re a friend ~ and a lover ~ closer then a brother

Over whelmed with an emptiness ~ I hate this silence ~ no emotion I feel ~ I stand here numb as time passes by ~ O Lord I feel so lukewarm ~ I’ve done nothing for so very long ~ my branches are barren ~ where has all the fruit gone ~ Lord don’t cut me off ~ and cast me in the fire ~ have mercy on me ~ (chorus) For I want to please you O Lord ~ I want to do your will ~ But I feel so far away ~ O God please pity me ~ for I am cold and I’m dying ~ and God I don’t know way ~ how I long to feel your presence ~ I have not felt it for so long ~ (verse2) I hate my flesh with all my heart ~ I notice it everyday ~ and O God it’s killing me ~ Lord rip away everything left of who I am ~ tell there is nothing left but you

You weep ~ Your grieved in your heart ~ because we don’t know who you are ~ We weep ~ we are troubled inside ~ because we don’t know who you are ~ (chorus) open my eyes ~ to see You in glory ~ see You reigning ~ with nothing beyond You ~ open my eyes ~ to see to whom I pray ~ God almighty ~ yet my Daddy who loves me ~ (ending) who wants to deliver me ~ who is able to deliver ~ I have no excuse to live in the flesh so very weak ~ with out any strength ~ I have no reason to be bound by sin ~ and let the way I feel dictate my actions ~ for your able to deliver me

  I know how destructive it is to please my flesh, and I know the joy and the freedom I have when I focus on you. Yet I let my feelings, emotions, and moods drag me down, and later I wonder where was my faithfulness to stand firm in what I believe and I began to worry. (chorus) About the next time I don’t feel like trying, when an apathy comes over me, where I don’t seem to care about what I believe, for my soul is fatigued and I can’t seem to think. It is during these time I feel the weakest, it is during these time it seems you’re the farthest away. I don’t find the strength to changed so I pray for help. But no help I find, so by the act of the will I try, but how often I fall victim to how I feel. It’s during these times I feel I need you the most, but your nowhere to be found, I just want to crawl in to a hole in the ground and cry but no tears can I find, yet it’s ripping my heart out and holding it right in front of my eye’s. (verse2) Every time you open my eyes to a new revelation, it’s always followed with this feeling, like a spiritual hangover that comes over me casting me to my knees. (chorus2) Is this your way of humbling me, an infirmity that you have given me, yes a gift to help me to grow, and keep me fully dependent on you? Lord I confess that your way is the best, your timing is perfect, so are you putting me to the test, so that I’ll grow strong, for feelings will come and go, you want my faith to be tested and real. (ending) Yet the night always comes, where I look over my day and see what I have done, then shame covers my face how could I live my life this way? I cause myself so much pain! I hate myself sometimes, it seems I’ll never learn, for I’m only getting worse. The very way I condemn is the way I live, I’m a two faced humanistic worm. Lord is there any hope, can a leopard change his spots? O how my life is in your hands. So have mercy, for I’m filthy, have mercy for I’m blind, have mercy for I’m helpless and weak, humanistic and sinful, so have mercy.

They say that sin shall not have dominion ~ yet I still feel enslaved ~ they say I am strong ~ yet I still feel so weak ~ they say that I have won ~ but I’m living in defeat ~ (bridge) everyday I’m humble a little more ~ seeing that I can’t do it on my own ~ everyday I see more how the only way to overcome is by faith ~ (verse2) Believing that you can  is not enough ~ and believing that you will ~ won’t solve the inner problem ~ the faith that you want ~ says that you have ~ (bridge2) that it’s already been done ~ That you have provided ~ before the problem even begun ~ faith is receiving ~ what you have already given ~ (chorus) So my weakness is explained by my lack of faith ~ what can I say O Lord ~ but help my unbelief ~ help my unbelief ~ (verse3) My flesh still has a problem ~ it reminds me everyday ~ wishing the had the means to overcome ~ but all the natural faith in the world ~ does not add to nothing ~ true faith comes from God alone ~ (bridge3) So what if I don’t have the faith ~ to ask you for faith ~ this leads me all the more to my spiritual bankruptcy ~ (chorus3) yet a part of me want to believe ~ I have the goodness in me to change ~ yet the harder I try ~ the more I fail ~ six feet under and helpless ~ I’m forced once again to be fully dependent on you ~ (ending) for even the faith by which I’m saved ~ is a gift from God ~ there is nothing I can do with in myself ~ but because I stand in you grace ~ I can trust in your kindness ~ clinging to your promises ~ resting in you mercy and love

(bridge) This hope I have ~ to it I will cling ~ that you are with in and are shaping me ~ That one day I will be like you ~ And you committed to making this true ~ (verse) No matter where I am ~ to you I want to run ~ And surrender all my wants ~ Knowing that you want for me the best ~ In your love I will rest ~ (chorus) I can hold my head no matter what seems real ~ no matter how I feel ~ I can hold my head high even when I’m weak ~ For I know how deep is your love ~ and one day I will be like you ~ And you are committed to making this true

I want to know this love O Lord ~ Open my eyes ~ Enlighten my heart ~ I want to receive your love ~ So that I can give it back to you (chorus) You said “Seek My face” my heart said “Your face I will seek” ~ Knowing that you want to show it to me ~ You delight in me and I in you ~ draw me away my love ~ sweep me away (verse2) I want to rest in your love O Lord ~ So full of joy ~ so calm in peace ~ I put my hope in your love O lord ~ Knowing you are committed to me

My inward man is screaming ~ Feeling crushed by a mountain of sin and the old man ~ My faith only seems able to pick up one stone at a time casting it in to the sea (Bridge) At the rate I’m going ~ I wonder if I’ll ever be free ~ Is it possible to move mountains In the inward man ~ Or am I enslaved tell I leave this body (Chorus) O Lord it’s not easy to always feel so weak ~ Feeling imprisoned and helpless ~ They say disciples are man not born ~ But sometimes I wonder (Chorus2) I try, I try, yet I fail ~ Then I ask you for help ~ Am I blind cause no help I find ~ My being seems to rebel ~ My will, wills to do what I hate ~ It so hard to act against the will ~ can you change this will Lord! (Chorus 3)I want to be the man after your own heart ~ And fall head over toe in love with you Jesus (Ending)Yet when I look in me I find ~ Failure imperfection and a corrupted mind ~ And when I ask for your help ~ I fear my motives are not pure ~ But how can I know my heart ~ And reach in and change the inward man ~ All I have are these empty words to sing ~ And these empty hands to raise ~ Lord will you hear me and change this heart ~ And have mercy on me for spiritually (Ending 2) I’m like a blind man trying to see the sunset in the evening ~ I’m like a deaf man trying to hear the symphony (Verse2) My life is a spec on this line of eternity ~ Why can’t I seem to focus on the line ~ Jesus you are the way, truth and life your everything ~So why am I so consumed with me (Bridge2)O how I wonder way ~ The most important things I let slip by ~ Letting go and acting selfishly ~ O Lord is there any hope for me… (then chorus 1,2 and 3 and ending 1 and 2)

(verse) Sin shall not have dominion over me ~ For I am not under law ~ But under grace and I am free…(chorus) For I have been crucified with Christ ~ And I no longer live ~ But Christ lives in me ~ And the life I live I live by faith ~ Faith in Jesus Christ my Lord ~ And what He has done for me (Bridge) For if I could get to heaven by doing good ~ Then Christ died in vain ~ It is only by His blood and what He did on that tree ~And my faith in this that can make me free (Verse2) There is one thing that You ask ~ That I would obey Your Spirits leading ~ For He will show me were to go ~ And what to do for I am Free…

You are the medicine that can cure my inward disease ~ you’re the only one ~ the answer to everything ~ yet I am blind ~ my hands are tired ~ and I can’t seem to find you ~ I’m desperate now ~ teach me how to abide (chorus) here I am knowing you’re the victory ~ yet I’m wasting away in defeat ~ I’m hungry ~ and I know you’re the bread of life ~ and you bid me come and eat ~ it all sounds so easy (verse2) some time it seems you require before you will help me ~ for me to be disciplined and holy on my own strength ~ but you said it not be work but my faith ~ so is everything explain by my lack of faith (chorus) ~ (ending) I want to come ~ I want to partake of you ~ I wont to die ~ that you might live ~ my only hope is to abide ~ I will seek you tell I find ~ don’t let me die ~ tell you I find ~ don’t let me die ~ tell you I find 

Commit your ways to the Lord ~ trust in the Lord and do good ~ delight yourself in the Lord ~ and feed on His faithfulness (chorus) And He shall bring forth your righteousness as the noon’s day sun ~ And He shall give you the desires of your heart (verse2) Rest in the Lord your God ~ wait patiently for Him ~ let the Lord direct your steps ~ trusting that He is good (chorus) And though we fall ~ we shall not be utterly cast down ~ for He delights in us and upholds us with His hand
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