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family heirloom

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June 28, 2005:
Hey everyone,  site is coming along great.  Still more to do.
    If you have any ideas please email them to us.  In the mean
    time enjoy what we do have.  Anna is currently in Costa Rica
    and will get back at the end of July, so no shows until then
    unfortunately.  Mike, Brian and I will continue to write
    songs for you guys... so look out for that.  We appreciate
    everyone's support.  Thanks so much...                     *Tim*

June 25, 2005:
Site is finally finished... took a while.  Tim and I (Brian)
    have been hard at work writing material for an album...
    *crosses fingers*... just pray and maybe we will put
    something together this summer.  We will slowly finish
    off the site this week, hopefully. Thanks for the support
    everyone.  It means a lot to us.  God Bless.                -Brian J.-

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