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Hello and welcome to my website!
Click on the links below to reach your destination. Some of the pages are still under construction but I will try to update them regularly. Enjoy!

Counting down the days until the 2006 Parelli Savvy Conference!

This is the page that is dedicated to one of my favorite bands of all time.Calexico is a great local band, and although they have relatively little exposure here in the states, their music has already been featured in places such as the Muhammad Ali/Adidas ad that appeared on television, the Starbucks Valentine's Day CD, and of course on the hit movie Collateral starring Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx. I hope to update this page soon with some pictures and maybe some fun facts and information about the band, but in the meantime check it out for up to date concert listings and links.

This is the newest of the four pages that I've been working on and it's dedicated to the band my brother is in called Soromantic. There isn't anything at all on this page yet but I should be getting some pics that I can put up after their gig this Friday. Their sound is a little too heavy for most folks, but they've been getting good responses from their peers and rarely have trouble booking gigs. They've even played at the TCC!

This page is dedicated to my beautiful little baby niece, Ines! She is the most adorable little baby ever! So far I just have pics of her very first moments of life but I'll be putting more up soon.

This is the page that I have decided to make all about the arabian horse farm where my family lived in the eighties, Karho. I always feel so dissapointed whenever I do a google search for Karho and nothing at all comes up! This will be my tribute to that amazing place and it's amazing horses.

This is page was added on impulse so I don't know if it's going to stay or not, but until I decide one way or the other, I hope you enjoy the artwork!