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Yep it's the greatest band of all time's home page. It's better than
the other one cause the other one wasn't good and stuff.Ummm...yea
below is stuff about us and updates and stuff like that so go check
it out.

About Us

We're basically a gerage band with 4 members and then 4 people who
think they're in it.One plays the flute?? One plays thinks he's singing
and the other two think they're back up dancers?????. Come on it's
not a boy-band. We're working on our first album; "" and should be
done in like a little bit.Our name came from a propane tank and will
probabbly be different in like a week.Thats about it.Below is the
updates on stuff like contests and when our albums gonna be done.
Mabey some day we'll have updates about a concert.


[12/02/05] We're got 2 songs done and recorded but we'll probabbly have to re-do them.
[23/02/05] We now have 4 people who think they're in the band. But we're to nice to tell them they're not.
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