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This doll is supposed to be me, its as close as i could get. !!!!!Music News!!!!!

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;) Recent News!

*~I researched on Kurt Cobain, there was a lot of false crime scene photos. I also found that his credit card was being used before and after his suicide. Plus, the shotgun positioning was incorrect if he were to commit suicide. His suicide note might have just been a letter to his fans saying to quit Nirvana and the music business altogether, since to him, it was too much to bear. Also, he had WAY too much heroin in his system that was found to have operated a shotgun. So did he, or did he not commit suicide? Hm....

;) Past News! (Sorta)

*~*Who thinks Kurt Kobain really did commit suicide? If he did, then why was his handwriting not the same in his last written words before his death? What was his real reason for death? He had a wonderful life, being in Nirvana, one of the greatest bands ever. I guess we will never be able to ask him. *~*Everyone has heard about Mary-Kate's "anorexic" problem. How did they become from being exactly alike, to being Ashley, the healthy one, and Mary-Kate, the extremely skinny one? You'd think that if Mary-Kate was being pressured to lose weight, then Ashley would too. So how come only one is in danger? It's RUMORED that Mary-Kate is not so little anymore. It is RUMORED that she is drinking, partying, and maybe even...drugs. I will try to figure out the truth for this. Bye for now! *~*Anybody know that Johnny Depp lost his virginity when he was only 13?! And he's afraid of flying so he yells for comfort. Once he yelled, "I FUCK ANIMALS!" Hilarious!

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