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The Beginning of the End of Time
Saturday, 7 August 2004
Yay for lack of loyal following
I must confess, I got bored with this rather quickly. Some day I will make a web page that is a real web page, and then I will stay interested in that. I may copy my friend Eden and make a web comic. A blog, I must say, is something that I enjoy reading, but I have better things to do than keep one of my own, so farewell, all my imaginary readers. I doubt you have been more that vaguely entertained by this, but alas, I do not care. I'm sure you will fogive me for abandonning you from this point forth. Bye!

Posted by music6/anome at 8:14 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 4 August 2004
And Now for Something Completely Different
Well, not really. I just need the random quote now and then. Last night was fun though. The concert was really good, but I never knew there were so many rude people around here. All through the first act, these people behind me kept yelling "We want George!" The thing is, the band wasn't even that bad. Sure, they weren't playing anything original, but they had a good singer and everyone knew how to play their instruments. Ah well, people will be people, and then there's me. I don't know why, but that sounds kinda neat. Anyway, once the actual concert started, it was really good. Everyone got up and danced, and there was more yelling and catcalling, but I'll just forget about that part. People really need to stop being so rude! At least I didn't decide to be like them, which I could've cause he was really very good looking, to put it mildly. The weirdest part was that today I turned on my tv and started flicking channels, and I just happened to come across a show about George Leach, the guy I saw last night. What a strange coincidence. And yeah, nothing interesting happened today, so I will relive yesterday and sob at knowing that it will never be again. Hehe just kidding, there are many more interesting things that I will do in my life. I just didn't do any of them today!

Posted by music6/anome at 4:20 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 August 2004 7:17 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 3 August 2004
Such is life
Every day seems to begin with the promise of wonderful happenings, but then I realize that although it is in truth the beginning of a new day, I actually haven't been to sleep yet, and so at 5 in the morning I go in search of sleep. When I wake up, it is usually mid afternoon, and the day that once held so much promise is nearly gone. Today was slightly different - sleep came early this morning for one thing. I don't think I was even up til 3. I also woke up relatively early at 11:30. It may seem that this day had a promising start, but that is sadly not so. Nothing of interest happened til 3 anyway, so I may as well have slept in. Ah well, such is life. The part of the day that counts was fun enough, so it's all good. I went to Eden's house, lovely Eden who is marvelously odd like me, and we worked on an art project with her and Cayley that will remain unnamed until it is given to the person for whom it is meant, on the off chance that she stumble upon this page. All I can say is that it is really nifty. Then I got home, wasted some time, and proceeded to write this thingy. The rest of today is what I'm really looking forward to. I'm going to a George Leach concert. What is this you say? You have never heard of George Leach? He is a loverly singer/actor from Lillooet BC (I think) who, though I must admit I've never seen or heard, is coming here to perform. Very exciting stuff. Well, I shall possibly write about that tomorrow, so for now, farewell, and I apologize for the lack of blatent weirdness contained in this entry, I will make every attempt to improve this! Oh, and I promised to say more about myself, so here is all the info you really need, if you feel the need for any. I will admit that, despite what my profile may say, I am actually not one of the rare English - speaking French nobelwomen. I am a lowly commoner from Boonyville BC with no hopes of ever ascending to any throne anywhere. That doesn't matter though. I could barely cope with responsibilities of graduating high school, I could just imagine me in charge of a country. "Invaders you say? But I'm being lazy right now! I'll talk to them tomorrow I guess. Actually, just ignore them for now, and when they get here, I'll hand over the country. It's too much of a hassle to run it anyway." I did manage to get through high school, though, and now I am eagerly awaiting university - I am going to UVic to study music, it will be super. I'm going to be a crazy music teacher some day. Or a performer, who knows. What else about me? Well, the 2 younger brother part of the profile is true, and I also have a dog, who is much more civilized than the brothers. At least she has the excuse of not knowing better. I'm sure there's more, but I grow tired of typing things, so I shall leave you now.

Posted by music6/anome at 6:05 PM PDT
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Monday, 2 August 2004
It begins...
I must admit, I have no idea what I'm doing. For the past almost 18 years, I have avoided learning anything about technology beyond how to navigate the internet to find what I want. Now, I have started my own pale imitation of a nifty blog. I may progress to a real web page next. Yegads, what if I become completely computer literate? The world may come to an end. So this is my warning - if the apocolypse comes, you can shake your fist at the sky and scream "Damn you Jessica! Why did you learn how to use your computer? Damn you!!!" and then you can run for cover, because the apocolypse seems like an event where you would not want to stick around for long outside because of all the things that would come from the sky. Rains of fire, lava, and fish would surely consume the world. Then rains of rain would catch the people by surprise and cause the weak of heart to fall into massive cardiac arrest. Actually, I guess they would have to be the medium of heart, because the weak would have keeled over from the initial rains of fire, lava, and fish. So, this is my first entry, which, though it tells you nothing about me except that I am vaguely odd, I view as a success because it is genrally comprehensable by human minds, simple though they are. I promise that the next time, I will explain a little more of who I am. Well, bye!

Posted by music6/anome at 8:54 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 August 2004 3:02 PM PDT
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