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Before I get int this treatise about my true self. Which, no one will read, Here are a couple of contacts. My AIM screen name is albesir. My email address is Also, check out Myspace page.
So, what should I talk about? If you've been here before and seen what I wrote, you may be as dumbfounded as anyone. I remember writing it and for a short while taking every word of it as a personal creed. It's fascinating to think of things months later and try to remember why you said things, did things, and why it did or didn't happen. Well, most of the things that I talked about, not much has changed in the way I think, but I am a good bit happier than I was when that happened. I have a girlfriend that I'm absolutely in love with and the friends I made at school I will always remember. I will visit them and hopefully stay in touch for years and years to come, but if not, I hope that they know how much I care for them all. You know who you guys are in our group. Well, this new post is doomed to be a short one. I still feel the same as I did in many ways as I did when I posted that doosy of a creed before, but I'm happy with what and who I have in my life. LOVE... Leave me a comment, or just say hi. "Here's a blog"