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*Artists*/*ZooTronic Skate Team*/*Tour*/*Samples*

Welcome to ZooTronic Records, the record label that holds the best names in techno rap the world has to offer...


7/15/03-For those of you that dont know, the production of Infamous Greg's One Wierd Guy CD has been cancled as he is going in a different direction. Now it is back to what started him in the first place, the roots, the original, the best damn Rapper on the east coast, or in New Jersey at least.
Production on that begins today and will hopefully be done by the end of this year.

6/25/03-Pictures are up all over the site!
6/24/03- As you see, links have been added to the site. Explore around.
Right now there is not much up, but in the coming weeks, we will have samples, pictures and maybe a possible tour schedual.
ZooTronic Records is also considering hosting a Skateboarding Competition in New Jersey some time in the near future. It will be open to the first 20 skaters to compete. The winner will recieve a trophy and 25 dollars from ZooTronic records, and the joy of saying they won the first ZooTronic Records skate competition.

6/23/03-ZooTronic Records is now the newest sponsor of skateboarder Nate Fried from Riverside, NJ. In the coming days we will have pictures of Nate doing his thing on the site. We will also be hookin Nate up with the best skateboards around and kick ass new gear from the best companies around.

ZooTronic Records is ran and operated by Greg G. and Anthony W. Dont steal from this site, things like lyrics, logos and beats.