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Christina And Britney-The Sluts Of Pop

Sorry to say but I will not be opening this webpage. I just don't have time. I still hate Britney and Christina and always will, but my life doesn't revolve around them. But before I go, I just want to say a little soemthing. Christina and Britney fans always call us(us being haters)jealous. Ok. Jealous of what? What do we need to be jealous of. The fact that they have fans and money and men. Well I don't care about those things. I have a job that I love and I have a husband that I love more then anything. I would not want to give him up for all of Britney and Christina's horny men. My man loves me for me, not for how many body parts I can show off. Would Britney and Chistina be so popular if the didn't dress like whores? Well maybe Christina would because she does have a nice voice, but Britney has no talent. The only talent Britney has is dressing and acting like the whore she is. Britney shouldn't be on a stage singing. She should be in a strip club stripping. That's the job she was really meant for. Britney and Christina have no morals. They promote sex to young girls. Just take a look around. The age of girls having sex is getting younger and younger all we have to do is look at people like Britney and Christina to see the reason why. Their half naked bodies are always being flaunted in magazines targeted for teens and preteens. And they don't seem to care. Britney's new concert tour(2004)she dresses in very skimpy almost nothing costumes while she stimulates sex and masterbation. That's not a concert, that's a porno movie. And my bet is that about 98 percent of that is lip-sycning. When I go to a concert, I want to see actuall singing. I don't want to see some bimbo lip-sync her songs while masterbating on a bed. That's just gross. Both Britney and Christina need a slap in the head to wake then up. They need to realize that while they are in the music industry they are going to be role models and they should start acting like it. They can go have sex and mastebate on their own time, but when they are on stage, they should have morals and respect for their young fans. But then they are selfish, ungrateful, spoiled bitches who only care about themselves. And I will always hate them for that.

If you have comments about my little rant them email me at dawn35a@hotmail.com