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Welcome to Wounded Mind's Official Website

February 4, 2003 (5:42 pm)
It is all cool now, shak is still in the band.

February 4, 2003 (4:20 pm)
HELP US! Shaq got suspened for the afternoon today from school for leaving a napkin, a peice of gum and one fry in a pile on the table during lunch in the cafeteria. His parent's have currently kicked him out of our band!!! Everybody who believes this is terrible, email the band's email and I will voice your support. Thank you!

Febuary 3, 2003 (9:00 pm)
Well what is there to say...There's a bunch of new pictures in the pictures section (who woulda thought?). Also: the members of the band have all learned a valuable lesson. Do NOT jump into things too quickly! Our recording sessions, to say the best, were awful, and 1 terrible quality song was all that was salvaged from the mess. Bryan is working on digitally fixing it, but until that happens, no actual media will be availble. Word on the street is that we have a gig lined up for March 1, 2003, but this is still speculation by me (Alec). I'm not really sure what's going on (Shaq and Coffey seem to be handeling it), but I will keep you posted. Anywho, we actually have some more songs coming and our origino one perfected, so we'll have a good line up for any gig that does occur. If any local bands that happen to be playing something contact us about it, that would be most appreciated.

January 28, 2003 (12:47 pm)
Shite! When I put the song up on our website I forgot about a little thing called a bandwidth limit. Apparently our limit is 1 GB, and the song is only 3.5 mb or something. So either it's getting downloaded like crazy or angelfire doesn't know how to add....Anyways, I was forced to take the song down until I find a more suitable storage for it. If anybody has any suggestions to solve this problem please email the band, or post a message of the forum. Also, for those of you who did download the song, post your thoughts in the forum! Thanks!

January 28, 2003 (1:07 am)
Our first song is up in the media section! You can check it out here! While the quality is low, and the timing off, I have to admit it is not bad for a first try...especially when everybody did their recording in one take each! Except for Alex, but that was a technical error and no fault of Alex's playing skillz. We hope to get more up soon, but due to poor planning we seemed to have rented the 4-track redorder a little too early and we have a lack of material/time to record. Anyways, we'll see what happens.

January 27, 2003
Whole band jammed at Alec's from 8:00 am to around 3 pm. Due to some weird locking system on Bryan's guitar, he was unable to tune it for the period of about an hour....Anyways, we actually managed to record a song and it sounds not bad! Alec just has to mix&master it (make it sound good and layer it) and it will soon be on the the website in mp3 format. Also, a bunch of pictures that were taken will also be posted. Everybody but Alec will be jamming tomorrow and probably recording some more, but that's not for sure.

January 26, 2003
Rest and practise day. By Monday the whole band will be crisp and ready to lay down some tracks. Plans for bright and early jam at Alec's starting at 8:00am!!

January 25, 2003
Second recording session: absolutely terrible! Attempted to record Alec's bassline of the song that he wrote, but after the 3rd take he got pissed off and called it a night. Hopefully by Monday, when Alex gets back the band will be able to get down to work and get something quality done!

January 24, 2003
First recording session: Sucess!
Bryan and Alec rented a 4-track analog recorder and it works like a charm. The only problem is we'll have to do some annoying crap to get it to computer, to cd, and then to internet. We laid down a few practise jams, including master of puppets and fade to black. We'll probably do fade to black again tomorrow, and make it a lot better. Anyways, tomorrow Bryan and Alec are going to record a bunch of stuff and attempt to layer it.

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