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This is my site bitch.

NEWSFLASH! I haven't updated in nine months!!!

If you aren't on it, and I know you, you should try harder to be my friend. You can try...

  • Giving me large amounts of money because you don't deserve it and I do.
  • If you were a real friend, you would know my stance on cars. .If you don't you will be bitch slapped by Derek (because he is just such a bitch)
  • Accepting me as your savior.
  • Giving me a loaf of bread.
  • Giving me your house.

If you can't seem to find it in your heart to complete these simple tasks for my benefit you will burn in hell.

But in all seriousness, if you have something against nothing then you should leave because this website is crammed with useless information.

Derek the stupid bitch...

(Derek is actually part human)

Here we have Mike the douche.

By the way, this site is not done yet.

Working Status

I'm on vacation. Deal. The Best Page In The Universe contact me at-

People are wasting their time.