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Fan Fiction of... (you guessed it...) The Beatles

OK GUYS- I am seriously about ready to cry. I have been looking and looking for a site that will support my needs to put up my story so you guys can read it. NOTHING WILL DO IT!!! Ok... probably because I need it to be free because I have no money... and this is what I came up with- but the only problem is, I CAN ONLY HAVE A FREAKING BLOCK OF TEXT!!!!!!!!! I CANT HAVE PARAGRAPHS!!!! HOW DUMB IS THAT????????????? AHHHH!!!!!! I am about ready to throw my computer out the window.... So, I'm really really sorry but you are going to have to deal with reading my story in one huge chunk... Its such a bummer I know.... but- this is what I can afford right now- sorry guys. ANYWAY ABOUT MY STORIES!!! The are fan fiction on my favorite band, THE BEATLES! And I those of you who know me think I'm overly obsessed, but I don't care! In the first one, What A Weekend, Julie is the main character. She is 19 and lives in New York in 1964. Now, most of you are probably going to read this and think "wow.. she is really obsessed, this must be about Claire or relate to Claire." Well, it doesn't. I'm so serious! It doesn't have anything to do with me. In the second story, Minnesota Experience, Lee is the main character and she lives here in Minnesota in 1966. Again, this has nothing to do with me! So, I hope you'll take a look at both of these. Which are still in the process of being finnished. And, again I'm really really sorry about the whole reading it in a chunk thing- the internet is stupid. OH! And I would LOVE to hear what you think of my story! And if you have any ideas on where to put my story on some place that doesn't charge me 15 bucks a month or MAKES ME WRITE IN CHUNKS!!!!!! ARRRRRG!!!!!! *tear*


What A Weekend-Chapter One
What A Weekend-Chapter Two
Minnesota Experience
