SmartAssZhaNg: what's up? T S H A M 1 2: hey...hooz this? SmartAssZhaNg: one of richard's friends T S H A M 1 2: how didya get my sn? SmartAssZhaNg: from richard, of course SmartAssZhaNg: he talks about you all the time SmartAssZhaNg: so i had to talk to you myself T S H A M 1 2: lol does he say im so annoying? SmartAssZhaNg: no, all he does is say good things about you SmartAssZhaNg: no joke T S H A M 1 2: wat? "shes so annoying, she bugs me a lot?" SmartAssZhaNg: no, stuff like SmartAssZhaNg: "she's so funny" SmartAssZhaNg: etc T S H A M 1 2: lol, r u sure? T S H A M 1 2: cuz we arent very nice 2 each other :-) SmartAssZhaNg: he supresses his feelings SmartAssZhaNg: no joke SmartAssZhaNg: so tell me about yourself T S H A M 1 2: wat? SmartAssZhaNg: i dunno SmartAssZhaNg: so how does richard treat you in school? T S H A M 1 2: uh..we dont really talk i guess SmartAssZhaNg: he says he's thinking about asking you to the next dance T S H A M 1 2: uhhuh...SURE SmartAssZhaNg: i'm serious T S H A M 1 2: ok is this richard? 4 gettin bak at me 4 trickin u... SmartAssZhaNg: ...? SmartAssZhaNg: what'd you do to him SmartAssZhaNg: be back SmartAssZhaNg: gotta mow the lawn T S H A M 1 2: ok.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto response from SmartAssZhaNg: "The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person." - Invisible Monsters The irony of fate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SmartAssZhaNg returned at 6:25:43 PM. SmartAssZhaNg: so where were we? T S H A M 1 2: ok whoo r u really... .cuz this convo sounds like a joke SmartAssZhaNg: it's not a joke SmartAssZhaNg: i'm serious SmartAssZhaNg: i'm getting tired of richard bitching about it all the time T S H A M 1 2: haha prove that it's not a joke than SmartAssZhaNg: how do you want me to prove it? T S H A M 1 2: cuz this is jus weird... T S H A M 1 2: have a convo w/ him, and paste wat he says bout me then T S H A M 1 2: do it in less than 5 min and it has to be long enuff, cuz this is proposturous SmartAssZhaNg: chainlightningz2: yea chainlightningz2: seriously tho chainlightningz2: i cant stop thinking about her chainlightningz2: its like everytime i see her, iwant to say something, but smartasszhang: but what? chainlightningz2: i dunno smartAssZhaNg: blah chainlightningz2: w/e chainlightningz2: hopefully i can get enough guts to ask her to the next dance smartAssZhaNg: thatd be nice, i think smartAssZhaNg: a final dance or whatnot? chainlightningz2: >_> chainlightningz2: yea, too bad all our dances are shit smartAssZhaNg: heh, good times though smartAssZhaNg: so what do you like about her? chainlightningz2: i dunno, a lot of the little things, you know? chainlightningz2: like how her hair sways chainlightningz2: oooh, and her smile smartAssZhaNg: yea, I know what you mean smartAssZhaNg: same thing with caroline smartAssZhaNg: yea, fucking crushes, I swear chainlightningz2: nice nice smartAssZhaNg: you should just tell her chainlightningz2: yea, right chainlightningz2: shed probably just laugh at me SmartAssZhaNg: you should ask him instead T S H A M 1 2: but how cum its in ur font? cuz wen u paste sumtin isnt it in THEIR font? SmartAssZhaNg: i use trillian SmartAssZhaNg: it's in a log SmartAssZhaNg: for example, let me show you SmartAssZhaNg: smartAssZhaNg: no, stuff like smartAssZhaNg: "she's so funny" smartAssZhaNg: etc tsham12: lol, r u sure? tsham12: cuz we arent very nice 2 each other :-) smartAssZhaNg: he supresses his feelings smartAssZhaNg: no joke smartAssZhaNg: so tell me about yourself tsham12: wat? smartAssZhaNg: i dunno smartAssZhaNg: so how does richard treat you in school? tsham12: uh..we dont really talk i guess T S H A M 1 2: i asked him about it, but he said that's hilarious and he's denying it SmartAssZhaNg: typical, eh? SmartAssZhaNg: i'm serious though SmartAssZhaNg: you don't know how a guy feels when he talks to his crush SmartAssZhaNg: i fucking feel like crying when i look at mine T S H A M 1 2: ok..even though i dont believe wat am i supposed to do then? SmartAssZhaNg: i dunno, ask him to the dance SmartAssZhaNg: i dunno how he's going to take it though SmartAssZhaNg: just ask him if he wants to do something this weekend SmartAssZhaNg: i dunno T S H A M 1 2: i asked him if u were talkin to him and he said no SmartAssZhaNg: you're the one with the sappy profile SmartAssZhaNg: what have you to lose? T S H A M 1 2: r u saying i like him or somethin? SmartAssZhaNg: no, i'm saying you're sappy SmartAssZhaNg: just spend some time with him SmartAssZhaNg: you'd be suprised T S H A M 1 2: ok if its true..y doesnt he do it then? SmartAssZhaNg: cause he's fucking pathetic SmartAssZhaNg: just talk to him more at school SmartAssZhaNg: you and him, melvin and stacie can go on a double date or something T S H A M 1 2: melvin likes stacie? SmartAssZhaNg: yep SmartAssZhaNg: you can arrange for it SmartAssZhaNg: win-win T S H A M 1 2: ha u really noe a lot about them don't u? T S H A M 1 2: tell melvin that stacie doesnt like him T S H A M 1 2: even tho it's obvious SmartAssZhaNg: i spend a lot of time with richard SmartAssZhaNg: he talks a lot SmartAssZhaNg: about his life SmartAssZhaNg: family friends and whatnot T S H A M 1 2: wow T S H A M 1 2: this seems too wierd to be tru and i still refuse to believe it T S H A M 1 2: wont he kill u if he saw this convo, so i dont get y u would tell me this SmartAssZhaNg: cause he's fucking miserable SmartAssZhaNg: and i hear it way too much SmartAssZhaNg: so it needs to stop SmartAssZhaNg: haha T S H A M 1 2: if this is true, u shoudl tell him 2 say sumtin then, THEN ill believe it :-) T S H A M 1 2: haha how long has melvin liked stacie? thats hilarious..ehehe :-D SmartAssZhaNg: i dunno SmartAssZhaNg: for a long time though SmartAssZhaNg: john and richard tell me this all the time T S H A M 1 2: hmm...well john says he doesnt noe, and richard jus asked me yesterday hoo melvin liked T S H A M 1 2: so they couldnt of known..ur lying to me arent u? SmartAssZhaNg: no SmartAssZhaNg: gah SmartAssZhaNg: you don't believe many people, do you? SmartAssZhaNg: why would i waste my time lying to you? SmartAssZhaNg is away at 7:01:51 PM. T S H A M 1 2: i dunno...its jus random, i mean u randomly IM me and tell me all his secrets.its hard to believe u noe..