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New Melodies And The Anger Problem

Lyrics by Tony Maloley! Also some by Bryan L. Reil!

Click links below, or right click and save, for text document lyric sheets.

Darling I Love You So
I Feel Like It Should Be Me
I Let You Go
If You Wanted To Be Loved
Is It Cold?
Precious Beautiful Angel
The Heart On My Sleeve
The Love's In You
The Road And The Heat
Time To Make You Mine
Worth The Wait
You'll Never Love Me
Please Don't Go (Reil)
Seeing Her And Being Me (Reil)

Lyrics from See My Soul (Tony's awesome home-made album from 2000)

Track list:

1. You'll Never Love Me
2. Darling I Love You So
3. The Road And The Heat
4. Is It Cold?
5. If You Wanted To Be Loved
6. The Heart On My Sleeve
7. I Let You Go
8. Annabella
9. Time To Make You Mine
10. Worth The Wait

(The next two are the Reil songs, both were included in the full version but one or both might be left off of your CD. Just too much sleepiness here.)
11. Please Don't Go
12. Seeing Her And Being Me

13. I Feel Like It Should Be Me
14. Precious Beautiful Angel
15. The Love's In You

Special bonus - The Spider Poem

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