Hey Loren I hope you found this website, if you would call it that, umm i don't know how to make another page so why don't you make one, that way if anybody goes to this website they dont read everything we wrote in the index. Im not making a website I'm souly useing this for uploading... This is about 3 hours later now, i have managed to add the guitar to complexdrum. I don't really like the way it souds with the guitar, maybe if i recorded quiter so it not so loud. Also I used your guitar to record it, maybe that was the mistake, anyway plesase tell what you think about complexdrum.wav and complexdrum1stminwithguitar.wav or whatrever it is. I am sure you can figure it out, please tell me which way you like it more, with or without guitar, and give me some suggestion on what to do.
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