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Master J

Justin Potsander
Master J
Davenport Ia


What up cousins, my name is Master J, and I'm a rapper, we can provide shows if you like but we are not going to start providing shows until Late august 2003. How to get the other pages of Each page contains a link to the next page, the only pages that don't are Pt Cruiser and Songs. Hey, what up I'm sorry about the page, I've been busy, and I forgot about it, well the staff at Breakdown has decided to make a sequel to Six Feet Under, we will start working on in late august or september, and once again the movie will be rated R, so that's it! News, 07-27-03 Master Justin has annouced to breakdown that he will brach out and open his brand name of clothes, colonge,. 07-28-03 Breakdown Productions is celebrating their 3rd birthday, on Sept 1,2003, and Justin and the group are working on a brand new breakdown symbol, for Breakdown's third birthday!.. 07-28-03 Corliss Leners resigns as the part of playing himself, for future Six Feet Under movies. 8-18-03 The DVD of "Six feet Under" will be released on August 29,2003, if you would like to pre-order a copy of the DVD, then you may do so, if you pre-order it you save money, so all you half do is e-mail Master J,, and say that you would like a copy of the DVD of "six feet Under" for $17.95, and in the subject space, type Buy a copy of the DVD or You Can type that you want buy a copy of "six feet Under". Purschaing Information: Pre-ordering dates: August 18-August 28 Price:-$17.95 Quanty:-Limit 2 per customer. Info on Purschaing after or on the day of the release: Release Date: August 29, 2003 Quanty:-Limit 2 per customer. Price:-$19.95 To purchase on the day of the release or after the day of release, please just follow the same directions as above, and we will give you a copy of the DVD!. The DVD extras include, all 22 songs from Master J'S "Rapping in the hood" series, and 2 songs from the brand new "Rapperville"series, Bloopers, & interviews of Master J, and of the group breakdown! Thats all Folks! Comments, they are welcome, go ahead & e-mail me, NO BAD COMMENTS!...