Nick's Profile

Hey people, this is my profile where you will find out crap about me. Check it out.

Lets see, my insperation to play guitar would probably have to be Angus Young, who is the lead guitarist of ACDC. He is like my idol because he can do kick ass guitar solos. Also the band Iron Maiden has amazing guitar solos too. Another of my idols would have to be BB King, even though he not rock he still amazing guitarist.

The other people in the band are great. Jacques is a great bass player and can sing/scream his lyrics amazinglly. Hayley is an amazing rhythm guitarist, who has great ideas, and learns the songs quickly but with an excellent job. Wonder Woman is a crazy screamer, also she is a piano player, for if we make a song with piano, which is a bit possibility. Matt...hmmm wat can i say about Matt... Well he is the drummer, still a beginer, and has a crap drum set, but he will get better with a nice set.

The guitar I have is a Gibson SG Voodoo. It is an awsomely awsome guitar, but i also want other guitars which are pretty cool.The Epiphone G-1275 Custom, with the two necks, one with 6 strings one with 12 strings. Another guitar i want is the Gibson BB King Lucille, because i like listenin to blues, and he one of my idols.

<--My guitar

More Info about Nick

Background: Italian (but born in Canada)
Fav Food: Lasagna, (or any other italian food)
Fav Show: Ren and Stimpy, Mad TV
Fav Movie: Blade 2, BubbleBoy, The GodFather
Fav Band: ACDC,Iron Maiden, The Beatles,
Hobbies: Playing guitar, hanging with my friends
Interests: Music, computers

Other Profiles:
Jacques Profile
Wonder Woman
