t.A.T.u Paradise

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Welcome to the new and improved t.A.T.u Paradise! If you haven't been here before, go ahead and read everything below this; otherwise, please enjoy the new pictures and news. Remember, everything on this website is owned (or I asked for permission for use of picture/information) by me. Please do not take ANYTHING from this website without consulting me first. Thank you. Click here to e-mail me.

I have been a t.A.T.u fan for quite a while now, and I believe that t.A.T.u deserve respect as a group, no matter what your opinion is on sexuality. If you do not believe in t.A.T.u's lyrics, sexuality, pictures, or anything else including them, please exit this website. I have had my share of t.A.T.u "hate mail", and I believe that if you do not like something, do not argue about, just leave it to be. This website is not here to cause any arguments/grudges agaisnt t.A.T.u or any of their fans. Neither is it here to cause any harm or to offend any person of race, sexuality, or any other preference. If you or somebody around you feels uncomfortable, please exit.

Comments are always welcome about this website. (Only concering layout, typos, pictures, broken links, etc.) E-mail me if you have a comment. If you have any new pictures or information on t.A.T.u, e

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