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Welcome to Da Power of Kosko

Navigate the Site

The Home Band Site
Da Koskoisms Page
The Symphonic Band Diary
Oboeboy's Corner
Fluteygal's Hidaway
Band Humor (or not)
Links For the Musically Obsessed
In Tribute to Mr. Miles
The Forums
One of HK's Pages
Band Music (In case you lost yours...)
Random Stuff That Has Nothing To Do With Band
KrazyPercussionist666's Drum Closet

Welcome to the band page extension! Since freeservers sucks completely and doesn't give you enough room to do anything, we're starting an extension. HOPEFULLY, Kris'll have sense enough to move the entire thing to here. I find Angelfire a lot more convenient... Well, to visit the "HOME" home site, Go to the links at the bottom of the page. Thanx!.

Concert Schedule

Busch Gardens Trip
Trip Itinerary

Stuff You'll Find on This Page:

Since it's going to be kinda confusing with two pages, here's the stuff on this page. We have everything on the main page here, but visit the main page anyways.

Caption Contest

The caption contest is just that: a caption contest. All you need to do is to send me what you think they're saying. The funniest one wins!

E-mail what you think to HK



So bored... hey peeps. i'm in korea rite now on vacay, so i won't be able to do much, but we do have TWO NEW MEMBERS. Say hi to scott and tim. Tim's the symphonic band's local 1st chair tuba and scott's the percussionist from concert 3.


K, so I don't update much, but hell. There's not much to update...


Hiyos! Sorry I haven't been updating in awhile, but i've been updating on the home site, so check there if you want updates. If I can, I'll get pictures of Ms. Ammiratti up ASAP.


KRIS!!! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET THE PICTURES UP YESTERDAY! GRRRR... Oh well. My scanner seems to be in a coma, so might as well have someone else do the dirty work for me. lol. They'll be up soon.

I got the music up. The only thing there now is Shennandoah for the flutes, and that's only the first page. There's still some bugs with it, but I'll get it fixed ASAP

Yay! I get the film today! If I don't feel lazy this week, we'll have a photo album soon! ^.^

OK, there's a lot to explain here! First of all, you can go anywhere you want from here, and possibly navigate better than the freeservers site. We have the regular stuff for everyone here- the profile pages and the Symphonic Band Diary and everything. We'll soon have a new member here: Paul!
Another thing, we'll soon have the photos from Halloween and Mr. Miles's party up. My mom dropped off the film yesterday, so I should get it tomorrow. And soon, there's going to be a page with some of our band music, in case anyone loses theirs.

This Site Was Created 1/30/03

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Meet the Staff

Kris "Trumpet Girl" Heiby, Trumpet, Symphonic Band
Dave "Oboeboy" Wells, Oboe, Symphonic Band
HK "Fluteygal" Kim, Flute, Symphonic Band
Paul "FluteyBoy" Branaum, Flute, Symphonic Band
Barnett "Barney Boy" Trzcinski, Trumpet, Concert 3
Scott "KrazyPercussionist666" Luxenberg, Percussion, Concert 3

Email Addresses
