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6th April 2003- ~*~ Sorry! ~*~

As you can see, your special treat isn't really working very well, due to idiot computers that I happen to own. Anyway, if you have any ideas for a new special treat for you (bearing in mind that we really haven't got a lot of memory) and I'll see if I can sort it out for you. Send me your ideas to The next chapter of Survivor is coming soon, so KEEP VOTING! 

Also, please vote for us in this new poll....and you might get another treat!

<a href="" target=_blank>
<img src="" border=0></a>
4th April 2003- ~*~ Your special treat! ~*~

Well done to all of you, I have just realized that we are no. 10 in one of the S Club Junior polls, and as I promised, here is your treat! It won't stay here for long though, as it takes up a lot of memory, so it will go after a while. If you have your own S Club Junior site, please feel free to use this video on your site, as long as you mention this site and give us credit for it. Please SAVE IT by right clicking it and going to 'Save Video As', if you don't it will use up bandwidth meaning the site will be available for less, and I will be forced to close it. l And finally no, I didnt steal this from the F.A.H.C website, I downloaded it from Kazaa.

Make the most of it by visiting this page a lot!

Hasn't Stacey got a lovely voice?

4th April 2003-  ~*~ New page added! ~*~

You may have noticed that it our navigation bar, we have a 'link' page, but there is nothing on it... well now we have something on it! Please take one of the buttons and link us back from your site. Alternatively, if your site needs promotion, then send me your button and link to and I'll get around to promoting your site.

1st April 2003- ~*~ Unfair Polls~*~

I also found these polls today whilst surfing the Net...  the results from a poll asking 'Most irritating song of the week is....' were Las Ketchup, with 61% of the votes, but then the Juniors were second with 39%. Results from another poll 'Who'll be the next pop group to split up?'   One True Voice came first with 78%, but once again, Juniors came second with 22%.

How unfair is that?  Comparing S Club Juniors to Las Ketchup?? 



1st April 2003 ~*~New affiliate~*~

We have a new affiliate today, a really cool website made by Abigail (see our Team page) so visit it in between visits to this one! If you would like your site to be an affiliate and would be willing to promote this site on yours then e-mail me at


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31st March 2003- ~*~New Mailing List~*~

Who said we aren't good to you people? Now we have a brand new mailing list, to save you from checking back here all the time for no updates. Just fill in the info below and everytime we have an update we'll send you an e-mail.

30th March 2003- ~*~ Please vote for us! ~*~

Please vote for us in these polls by clicking on them. If we get in the top 10 of any then we will organize a special treat for all you Junior fans! It will only take two minutes of your time, but will make us VERY happy! 

  Frankie Sandford Topsites!!!

30th March 2003-  ~*~We've moved! ~*~

This is now the new home to all things Survivor S Club Juniors. Hopefully this website will be a lot better than the last one, let's keep our fingers crossed!


23rd March-~*~ New members to the team~*~

We have new members of the team today, Abigail and Drewe. Go to the SSCJ team to find out more about them!

5th March 2003- ~*~ Frankie interview~*~

Frankie caught up with us after she was voted off. Go to the interview page to see more!

3rd March 2003- ~*~ Kanoni win Immunity! ~*~

Not content with winning the Reward Challenge yesterday, Kanoni also win Immunity as well! Now it's up to you to choose the member of the Nyoka tribe YOU want out by going to the Vote! page.

1st March 2003 ~*~ Kanoni win Reward Challenge~*~

It was a close one this time, but Kanoni have won something for the first time! Go to Kanoni Tribe to find out what the Challenge was!

1st March 2003 ~*~Frankie leaves the island~*~

You voted the mummy of the band off the island. Go to Kanoni Tribe to find out exactly what happened!
       *~What's happened so far?~*

~Juniors arrive on the island~ Immunity Challenge #1 ~ Frankie leaves the island~ Reward Challenge #1~ ~Immunity Challenge #2~
          Boring Legal Stuff

This website is just a fanfic- it is not real, the Juniors are NOT on the island (not to my knowledge anyway) and they re not being put through all the challenges, etc. They have no knowledge that this website exists and I am not and do not know the Juniors myself (although I did hug one the other week) The idea of Survivor was not mine either- it was the lovely folks at Survivor's (the TV show) and I cannot take any credit for thinking it up. Although they didn't think of the SCJ part, he he!

I think that about sums it up, OK legal peeps?

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