It has been a very wild trip for us all. Anyone who was on this roller coaster at anytime can tell you that. But here is our basic history and our roots. The actual idea behind this band started in the August of 2000 with Ryan O'Donnell and Mike Catalano. It was Dark Nemises then. They were both a part of a previous band that broke up due to musical differences. Mike and Ryan held firm on the hardcore side. They spent the next 7 months together writing lyrics to songs they hoped would be put to music. In the March of 2001, they recruited Dan Smith on guitar, Josh Olin as vocalist and DJ, and Josh Dana as the drummer. Mike and Ryan would play guitar and sing in turn. After being busted with pot, Josh Dana was booted out and Josh Olin switched over to drums. Choas insued. Josh Olin moved and practicing was hard to come by. Things where not looking good. Despite the lack of having his band members to play with, Mike had several outbursts of songs, seemingly pumping them out with a machine. After a year of minimal practices and tensions between members, changes were made. In the September of 2002, Chris Dore became the drummer for the child of Dark Nemises, Golgotha. Shortly after Maya Bahns was acquired as the guitarist, Mike switched to bass guitar in the December of the previous year (2001) and Ryan was doing straight vocals. Ted Sanford joined as a second guitarist in the November of 2002 and they practiced constantly every week. Maya later quit in December and Ted followed suit a month later. To replace the 2 departed guitarists Mike asked friend Jack Harvey to come in and give it a shot. In the end, Jack was better than both of the other 2 that had gone, perhaps the best guitarist ever in the band. Unfortunatly, after several months of steady progress with the band, Jack quit due to conflicts. With his physical departure along went a musical sound that will never be regained. Since then, now Suicide in a Bottle is going to a more metal state and hoping to be able to overcome this most recent setback. We have done it before and we are doing it again. Name of bands (in chronological order)- 1. Dark Nemises 2. Golgotha 3. Dark Nemises 4. Communist Tea Party 5. The Muddogs 6. The American Pyros 7. Suicide in a Bottle