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Next Show

Jan 14 - Newmarket


December 11/05

We now have a myspace , check out www.myspace.com/truetrout
On a second note we just wanted to thank everyone for a awesome year it was full of many ups and many downs .we played some awesome shows and made some great new friends , on the flip side it took us 8 months to release a cd , due to money box being misplaced/stolen. We just got the van it’s a piece of shit and I am $2000 in the hole but I own something . We hope to see all you guys at the donuts cd release on Sunday , and are super happy about closing 2005 out with a awesome show in Newmarket.

November 14/05

There were problems that I’m not at liberty to discuss, but because of them we had to incorporate a disclaimer and eliminate some small details from this website.
I would like to thank everyone that came out to the show on Friday in Richmond Hill, I wasn’t expecting too much out of this show, but those guys really liked us. Yes! I promise never to doubt Richmond Hill again. We just had a bad experience there, once, long ago. Also thanks to Josh for putting us on, and thanks to all the amazing bands. We have more shows coming up, they’re in the shows section, and they have awesome line-ups.
We recorded a new song called “Enter to Win” with Pez for the infamous Pezmosis Compilation. You guys are going to love this track, it just needs more mixing and some things changed, then we might put it on Purevolume. Bye for now.

- latrout

November 3/05

So just as it looks as if some luck might come are way it falls to shit . It was looking like we might be getting some dates on the unity tour and just as its about to close and happen Bombs drops out !! What can you do..... Anyway Pez asked us to come and lay a new track down for his comp so were doing that in the next two weeks ,and we have a show on the 11 . We have new merch on its way so keep your eyes open for that.


October 25/05

I want to thank everyone who stayed the first night to watch us at punktoberfest , even tho we went on 2 hours and 40 min after we were meant to at 12 40 , and we got way to drunk and the sound guy left , but on the second night we rocked it and everyone seemed to agree so thank you all ,
In other news we have a shit load of shows poping up all over the place so check out the shows section , and this weekend True Trout will squar off against The Metal Eddies in a drunk vs drunk.


October 20/05

So Tommorow will be the return of true trout after a 2 month break to get shit together with mark. looking back on it now it felt like a lifetime But do not fear because we have some shows coming up including some dates on the unity tour, so we should be coming to your town in the next few months.If you are intresed in having some drinks with the band tommorow before we play we will at at the famous TOMBOOS.
We want to thank everyone for their continual support of the band over the last few months


September 14/05

I want to thank everyone for there input as to where we should/could practice. But at long last we have found a place so big ups to Bennie O . D . In other news we are stoked the way the band is forming at this point and just working on getting as much as we can down and writing a shit load of new stuff .


August 29/05

Well What can you say after a Weekend like that …………… We had a amazing time at Vaxvest on the Saturday it did not disappoint , and Then we had Sunday . Big up to the delegates who chilled with us and drank behind the dumpster with us as we exchanged are road stories , they had some great ones , everyone go get their cd its fucking awesome , a special thanks to Meno for buying me drinks and telling us it was the craziest set he had seen in a long time and thank you to everyone else who bought me/us drinks .We wil be taking sometime off now to write new stuff and practice with are new drummer , so see you in October


August 23/05

This Sunday we have a show in Bradford , not only is it my birthday but it will be the last chance to see true trout with the original line up as Johnny is moving to Ottawa , so come out get drunk with us and have a good time.
See you there

August 14/05

We have some shows poping up including some free house party's which we always enjoy playing , so check out the shows section . peace


July 25/05

Three pics from last night's fairly awesome show are up.


July 14/05

Not much is new we have a some shows coming up check shows page and that's about it for now
