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Complete Song List

Songbook of Finished Songs

Songbook of Unfinished Songs


A soon to be band.

Bandmates found.(6.09.04)

SoulFire consists of Guitarist/Songwriter Steve Azbill, Singer Robert Hale, Bassist Brett Mayfield and Drummer Jason Wade.

Steve has written lyrics or a few lines of soon to be songs for 85 songs, a little less than half are complete songs. He currently has around 29 different guitar parts written that will end up being 29 songs.

A few of the lyrics have gotten good reviews from the people that have read them, including Deep Inside My Mind, My Suicide, My God, Feel My Pain, Sick & Tired, I Don't Know Why and Feel So Alone.

15 Reasons A Guitar is BETTER than a Girlfriend
01. Girls dump you. A guitar will always be there when you get home.
02. A guitar's minimum requirement is an amp. A girl's minimum requirement is shoes, clothes, makeup, a mirror, magazines, more shoes and a tiny handbag. And that's every week!
03. You can turn on an amp way faster than you can a girl.
04. If your guitar sounds crap, you can tune it. If your girl sounds like crap you're screwed.
05. Guitar's, unlike girls, have volume control which goes ALL the way down.
06. If you play your guitar like crap, it tells you its crap. It doesn't lie and say you did it right. 07. Two girls at once is hard to come by. But double neck guitars are'nt. 08. Your guitar makes a sound only when you want it to. 09. Nobody cares when you dump your old, out of date guitar for a new, younger model. In fact it's encouraged. 10. With a guitar, you can copy tunes from other songs. With a girl, try telling her you're copying some moves from an ex and she'll throw you out. 11. Your guitar doesn't refuse to let you play it once a month. 12. Your guitar will never find out if you've been playing another guitar behind its back. 13. You don't have to get guitars drunk before using them. 14. You can stare at a guitar all you like, but stare at a girl too long and you'll end up in an immense amount of pain. 15. Watching other people play the guitar is entertaining. Watching people do it is just sick!