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Welcome To My Humble Abode

Hey! Thanks a lot for coming to my site...not. No, I'm kidding. Alright look, I'm going to say this and I'm only going to say it once. I'm bored a lot of the time, so I'm basically doing this to consume time...because who would want to study for tests, or something? This is my first site ever, therefore, it sucks the big one. So go ahead and meander through the site, and have a BLAST doing it (blast=a really good time).

Pat Green!!!!!!

See Pics Of Good Times!

Frands and Family

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
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Official Website of the Georgia Dawgs
Official Pat Green Website
Official Pat Green Merchandise Site (T-shirts, hats, things of that nature)
Awesome Pat Green Fan Site
Another awesome Pat Green Fan Site
University of Georgia Website