Ne geceler, ne gündüzler gördüm
En vazgecilmez yeminlerden döndüm...
Görmedim senin gibi, sevmedim hic kimseyi
Yapayanlizim simdi , unuttum gülmeyi...

Vaktinden cok sonra gelen
Sevdali bir yagmur gibisin...
Cisil Cisil gözlerimden..!

Cildirmis sairlerin
Titreyen misralarinda
Bahsettigi o perisin...

Pencereler önünde cürürken
senden kalan cicekler hayalim...
gözlerim önünde

Hala agliyorum..!

Pencereler önünde cürürken
senden kalan cicekler hayalim...
gözlerim önünde

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JULiA ,you can download our song : click here version-1 clikc here version-2

You can also download The russian song i love: Zabud yevo Zabud

The Cats Show For Karin

ölüm intihar gibi görünse de, her intiharın sayısız katili vardır.

Even a death seems as a suicide, each suicide has its own murder.

If You Are

If you are a dream, Then let me sleep, And never wake,
If you are a mirage, Then let me stay, In my deliria,
If you are a song, Then press repeat, And never ever end,
If you are a game, Challenge me more, And let me win,
If you are light, keep shining, and lead me out,
If you are a storm, Bring in the wind, And let the thunder boom and shout,
If you are a picture, Then hang on my wall, And let me look at you forever,
If you are color please be white, Pure and clean as the snow,
If you are feeling, It must be ecstasy Never give in,
If you are a lie, Then trick me forever, And hide the truth
But if you already decided to leave me, Please KiLL me before you leave me,