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About Me

Well, now your in the about me section. So I'm guessing you want to know some stuff about me. Well I guess I'll start with the basic stuff. My name Is Scott. I'm 16 years old. I live in Michigan with my Dad, Step-Mom and 2 younger siblings. I am a junior in high school, where I earn decient grades. I guess I would be described as laid back, easy to talk to, funny, caring, understanding. Smartalic. Right now I'm single, there is a girl I like, but we won't get into that, I'm sure she knows who she is. I have a job so I can pay for all the stuff I need to pay for. My life is pretty avarage. I wake up go to school, come home, and goof around with my friends. I guess if there is anything else you want to know about me you could email me. I'm sure I put my email someplace on this site. If not its Well thats about it for now. So I guess I'll talk to ya later. .......................................................................................................................................................................... Wow, well to get the basic stuff done with again. I'm no long 16, I turned 17. I have a new job. I'm a worker at K-mart. Ya go big K! ok not really but hey, it sounded good. Well theres no more girl I like. Its been bumped up to girls. But hey thats just how I roll. Well I can't think of anything else right now so l8ta playa