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Welcome to the

Row Twelve Garden Concert 2003


The photographs for the Row Twelve Garden Concert for supporting members and guests have finally arrived!  Please feel free to download as many as you'd like (instructions below).  Many of these are in large format, so that you can print them; others have been trimmed and so are slightly smaller.  They're in no particular order, so happy browsing!

Click on a thumbnail to see the actual photograph.  When you download, make sure you're at the large-size version rather than the thumbnail or you'll get only the tiny little version.  To download using a PC, right click on the image, then select "save image as" from the menu that appears.  Make sure you know which folder you're saving the picture to!  To download using a Mac go to the File menu, Save, and proceed from there. 

 Oh, by the way--if you like the picture of Carol above, look for the thumbnail right below this paragraph, then go to its larger image--the version above would print out too small on paper!


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52260018.JPG (584867 bytes)

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Please let Janet know about any technical difficulties at:
or via the form at

If you have other questions Katherine Kleitz and Row Twelve can be reached at

This page was last updated Friday, August 8, 2003.