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The Source of Rebellation

Hey All! This is a page created by a group of rebel friends. We'll try to keep up with the current music,fashions, likes and dislikes of the public. This was created just to be a fun place, sort of like an online magazine. If you don't like it sry(means sorry!)...
10/23 Hey y'all been REALLY buzy skool and all ya kno... i gots the laptop so that ought to help... mindy reinspired me to restart this old and boring site... with a lil' help from her in how to do things it should b purty good in what- 5 months. i am not good at this stuff. oh i started a blog too.... see if u can find it lol

9-2 Hey y'all! it's rainu again... nm 2day... didn't update christian music and alternative pgs. hopefully over the weekend i will. mayb a new poll too.... hope mr. bigney stops growing a goatee... neways- bye- Rainu

9-1 Hey ya'll... me back... nm about the trip. But i did get to dance quite a bit. I haven't changed much about the site yet. Some plans- Help out w/ my skool's webpage- it stinks sooo bad. Not even as good as this mediocre one i have. it hasn't been updated in 2 yrs.i'll try to add a lil' to the christian music and alternative rocks pages. So have a good labor day ya'll!

8-29 I have decided to start a journal like lil' new features declaration i guess you'd call it. I got the idea from mindy. so watch here for new developments. NEW!!!- Asphalt Apology page updated 2day about the Sing Sing performance and RANT page updated w/ complaints about sexual harassment and my poetry. If ya'll would submit some puleaz email to Thank y'all. href="">

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Stuff to check out on this site!!!

The Rebel's Sites

Horoscope Anyone?
Place to Chat with the editors
Asphalt Apology
Christian Music 4ever
Alternative Scoop!