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LEGALIZE HEMP! Outlawing the growth of hemp is one of the stupidest laws ever. If just 6% of the US was used to grow hemp, it would supply 100% of our energy needs. Hemp burns more efficiently than coal or oil, it does not pollute the environment, and it can be replenished every year. People living downwind of the energy plants will NOT get high, don't worry. Only the buds of the hemp plant can be used to make marijuana, and most strands of hemp produce extremely poor grades of marijuana. In fact, the actual plant itself does not contain enough THC to get a cat high. Besides solving the energy problem, hemp could stop deforestation. Hemp can be used to make paper. It takes 4 times as many acres to make the amount of paper out of trees as it would to make it out of hemp. Hemp is ready to cultivate for paper usage in 4 months, as opposed to 20 years for a tree. The process of turning hemp into paper (or canvas for that matter) is less polluting than that of turning trees into paper. Lastly, since hemp is a weed (that's why marijuana is commonly referred to as "weed"), it requires no fertilizer and no pesticides to grow. Imagine that, no pesticide or fertilizer run off into our drinking water! What a wonderful idea. "Make the most of the hemp seed, sow it everywhere." -George Washington, first US President.

Legalize hemp, and then we won't have to go to war with Iraq just for some damn oil. Of course, then George W., who is an oil executive, would lose lots of money. So, instead of serving the people, which I always thought was the job of the President, George W. will serve himself, making himself richer by killing untold numbers of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians. But, hey, that's America for you. Is there any wonder the rest of the world hates us? War breeds terror. Stop the war!

I also want to say that it is my personal opinion that with the exception of self-defense, there is absolutely no justification for the taking of another human life. I am sure that there will be people who disagree with me. If you want to argue with me, feel free to email or IM me. I am always open to other people's thoughts and opinions. Maybe one day someone will provide me with another exception, but I believe all humans have the right to live and no one has the right to take away life for any reason other than to protect someone from immediate harm.

Ask yourself one question. What gives us the right to determine who is fit to live and who may justly die?

