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Kristen*s Homepage!

Summer is here! I am so happy that I have finally finished my high school career! I hope that every one has a wonderful summer! This summer, I plan to go with Sara and Amanda to see Heather in Nashville, Indiana! She's a a summer-long church camp. That road trip is going to be GREAT! July 1 through July 8, I am going to go to Florida with Jordan's family! I have only been to FL one time and that was with the marching band. I have NEVER seen the ocean and i can't wait! Then, in August, I have to leave this wonderful town of New Castle to go to Purdue! I hope that my freshman year goes really well and I hope that Jordan and I can get through it! .::JORDAN::. I have had a great summer with you so far and it has only been a few weeks! I know that we will have an awesome time in FL together!!!! I know that going to Purdue will be hard for the both of us because we're always together, but I know that we'll make it through next school year and in the end, we'll still be together! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Thank you for all you've done over our first year together, and I can't wait to spend many more with you :)

Some Info About Me

My Favorite Web Sites

My old webpage
If You find yourself very bored, go here!
