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Audioslave releases "I Am the Highway" off their album, another great song from the guys.

Brand New realeased "The Quiet Things No One Knows."

Coldplay realeases "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" video from their album A Rush of Blood to the Head.

All American Rejects release the "Time Stands Still" video.

Switchfoot releases "Meant to Live" video.

Who is Andrew WK?

Site Updates
Posted two reviews, decided on making a lyrics section soon
Worked on a few more review
Added another review, this one is of Alien Ant Farm. 9/16/03
Fixed a few things, working on about 10 reviews now... soon they will be up
Added about 3 more reviews.

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Welcome To My Home Page
First I'll introduce myself, I am Matt, the WebMaster of this site. My purpose is to give you news about the latest punk bands, but I need YOUR help. First I need another person that has good grammar and spelling to help me write articles and who is also trustworthy. Please send me an e-mail and tell me why you may want to help me. I also need you, the viewer, to help me out by recommending bands for me to research and inform you on.


Band Index with review and soon pictures.
Search engine has been inserted.
There is going to be more soon.

Thanks for visiting!
Thank you for visiting, more to come as soon as I get the time. If this site grows I may upgrade so that I have a whole range more of feature but as of right now I'm staying free. Just my time and dedication. I would like one thing from you, if you spot errors of any kind, grammar, spelling, non-factual info, would you please be kind enough as to send me an e-mailand describe the error and the location of it.

Aliens? Criminals? Huh?!?
Alien Ant Farm stole their lives from death last year, they really are, "Smooth Criminals"
Send an email

Punk Rock Alternative
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CopyRight © Matthew General, August 2003